The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The Lock and Key Library eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Lock and Key Library.

The room was again made dark.  Suddenly there appeared on the floor, in front of the table, a light about as large as a baseball.  It moved about in a circle of perhaps a foot in diameter and grew larger.  It soon lost the shape of a ball and appeared to be a luminous cloud.  Seemingly we could see into and through it.  In the course of thirty seconds it had become as large as a six-year-old child; still there was no definite shape, only a fleecy cloudlike mass, turning, twisting, and rolling.  At the end of perhaps a minute it was the size and shape of an adult person.  The face could not be seen, but light, luminous spots were visible as though the hair and ears were decorated with gems.  The shape spoke and requested light.  As the light was turned on the luminousness disappeared, and we beheld a beautiful young lady clothed in a dazzling white costume.  Her arms and shoulders were bare, and about her neck there was a necklace of what appeared to be very brilliant diamonds.  Her feet were encased in white slippers, with straps across the instep.  In her ears and hair glistened and shimmered beautiful diamonds.  Her face and arms were as alabaster, and altogether she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever beheld.  She was recognized by a lady and gentleman present as their daughter.  They had met her here before.  They were from the East, and were wealthy.  The spirit requested that they come to her, which they did, and were each kissed and embraced by it.  They held a moment’s conversation with her and resumed their seats, when the lamp was slowly turned down.  As the light became dim the spirit became luminous.  The face and arms disappeared and the body became as a cloud again, turning and twisting and growing smaller until it was nothing but a small light spot on the carpet, which of a sudden disappeared entirely.

Immediately after this manifestation an examination of the medium and cabinet was made, and it was certain the medium had not been away from his chair.  The light was again turned out and the music box started, when two bright spots appeared on the carpet, one at either end of the table.  These went through the same process of development until, when the light was turned on, there was another beautiful female spirit at one end of the table, and a child of perhaps eight years of age at the other.  The child was recognized by a lady present as her daughter, while the adult spirit was recognized and rapturously greeted by a gentleman who sat near me on my left, as his “darling angel guardian.”  They had quite a long conversation, in which they made use of very endearing language, each to the other.  I supposed it was the gentleman’s wife. . . .

The spirits did not disappear as the first one had, but, when the light had been turned off, the luminous shape revolved a few times, and on two occasions assumed the garb and shape of men, and when the light was turned on again, there stood the men with beards and men’s forms.  After some eight or ten of these materializations and dematerializations, before our eyes, the last couple completely disappeared.

Project Gutenberg
The Lock and Key Library from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.