Piccadilly Jim eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about Piccadilly Jim.

Piccadilly Jim eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 315 pages of information about Piccadilly Jim.

Chapter II: 
 “"Well played, sir!” when they meant “’at-a-boy!"”
  “mean” is in the US edition; other editions have “meant”.

Chapter VI: 
 “Regent’s bill-of-fare” has been corrected from “Regent’s bill-of-fair”
  in the US edition. “pull some boner” has been corrected from “pull some bone”
  in the US edition.

Chapter VIII: 
 “Before his stony eye the immaculate Bartling wilted. 
 It was a perfectly astounding likeness, but it was apparent to him when what he had ever heard and read about doubles came to him.”

This is a somewhat clumsy construction, and quite un-Wodehousian.  The original passage in the serialization read: 

 “Before his stony eye the immaculate Bartling wilted.  All that
 he had ever heard and read about doubles came to him.”

Project Gutenberg
Piccadilly Jim from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.