Stories by English Authors: Africa (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Stories by English Authors.

Stories by English Authors: Africa (Selected by Scribners) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Stories by English Authors.

All night Tom Donahue was greatly excited, and when Wharton left he begged him to remember his promise, and also elicited from him a description of the exact spot at which he had seen the apparition, as well as the hour at which it appeared.  After his departure, which must have been about four in the morning, I turned into my bunk and watched Tom sitting by the fire splicing two sticks together, until I fell asleep.  I suppose I must have slept about two hours; but when I awoke Tom was still sitting working away in almost the same position.  He had fixed the one stick across the top of the other so as to form a rough T, and was now busy in fitting a smaller stick into the angle between them, by manipulating which, the cross one could be either cocked up or depressed to any extent.  He had cut notches, too, in the perpendicular stick, so that, by the aid of the small prop, the cross one could be kept in any position for an indefinite time.

“Look here, Jack!” he cried, when he saw that I was awake.  “Come and give me your opinion.  Suppose I put this cross-stick pointing straight at a thing, and arranged this small one so as to keep it so, and left it, I could find that thing again if I wanted it—­don’t you think I could, Jack—­don’t you think so?” he continued, nervously, clutching me by the arm.

“Well,” I answered, “it would depend on how far off the thing was, and how accurately it was pointed.  If it were any distance, I’d cut sights on your cross-stick; then a string tied to the end of it, and held in a plumb-line forward, would lend you pretty near what you wanted.  But surely, Tom, you don’t intend to localise the ghost in that way?”

“You’ll see to-night, old friend—­you’ll see to-night.  I’ll carry this to the Sasassa Valley.  You get the loan of Madison’s crowbar, and come with me; but mind you tell no man where you are going, or what you want it for.”

All day Tom was walking up and down the room, or working hard at the apparatus.  His eyes were glistening, his cheeks hectic, and he had all the symptoms of high fever.  “Heaven grant that Dick’s diagnosis be not correct!” I thought, as I returned with the crowbar; and yet, as evening drew near, I found myself imperceptibly sharing the excitement.

About six o’clock Tom sprang to his feet and seized his sticks.  “I can stand it no longer, Jack,” he cried; “up with your crowbar, and hey for Sasassa Valley!  To-night’s work, my lad, will either make us or mar us!  Take your six-shooter, in case we meet the Kaffirs.  I daren’t take mine, Jack,” he continued, putting his hands upon my shoulders—­“I daren’t take mine; for if my ill luck sticks to me to-night, I don’t know what I might not do with it.”

Well, having filled our pockets with provisions, we set out, and, as we took our wearisome way toward the Sasassa Valley, I frequently attempted to elicit from my companion some clue as to his intentions.  But his only answer was:  “Let us hurry on, Jack.  Who knows how many have heard of Wharton’s adventure by this time!  Let us hurry on, or we may not be first in the field!”

Project Gutenberg
Stories by English Authors: Africa (Selected by Scribners) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.