Hermann and Dorothea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Hermann and Dorothea.

Hermann and Dorothea eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 86 pages of information about Hermann and Dorothea.
Coming to meet me; for far was already the band of the exiles. 
Quicker I kept on my way, and drove with speed to the village,
Where they were meaning to rest, as I heard, and tarry till morning. 
Thitherward up the new street as I hasted, a stout-timbered wagon,
Drawn by two oxen, I saw, of that region the largest and strongest;
While, with vigorous steps, a maiden was walking beside them,
And, a long staff in her hand, the two powerful creatures was guiding,
Urging them now, now holding them back; with skill did she drive them. 
Soon as the maiden perceived me, she calmly drew near to the horses,
And in these words she addressed me:  ’Not thus deplorable always
Has our condition been, as to-day on this journey thou seest. 
I am not yet grown used to asking gifts of a stranger,
Which he will often unwillingly give, to be rid of the beggar. 
But necessity drives me to speak; for here, on the straw, lies
Newly delivered of child, a rich land-owner’s wife, whom I scarcely
Have in her pregnancy, safe brought off with the oxen and wagon. 
Naked, now in her arms the new-born infant is lying,
And but little the help our friends will be able to furnish,
If in the neighboring village, indeed, where to-day we would rest us,
Still we shall find them; though much do I fear they already have passed it. 
Shouldst thou have linen to spare of any description, provided
Thou of this neighborhood art, to the poor in charity give it.’

“Thus she spoke, and the pale-faced mother raised herself feebly
Up from the straw, and towards me looked.  Then said I in answer: 
’Surely unto the good, a spirit from heaven oft speaketh,
Making them feel the distress that threatens a suffering brother. 
For thou must know that my mother, already presaging thy sorrows,
Gave me a bundle to use it straightway for the need of the naked,’
Then I untied the knots of the string, and the wrapper of father’s
Unto her gave, and gave her as well the shirts and the linen. 
And she thanked me with joy, and cried:  ’The happy believe not
Miracles yet can be wrought:  for only in need we acknowledge
God’s own hand and finger, that leads the good to show goodness,
What unto us he has done through thee, may he do to thee also! 
And I beheld with what pleasure the sick woman handled the linens,
But with especial delight the dressing-gown’s delicate flannel. 
‘Let us make haste,’ the maid to her said, ’and come to the village,
Where our people will halt for the night and already are resting. 
There these clothes for the children I, one and all, straightway will portion.’ 
Then she saluted again, her thanks most warmly expressing,
Started the oxen; the wagon went on; but there I still lingered,
Still held the horses in check; for now my heart was divided
Whether to drive with speed to the village, and there the provisions
Share ’mong the rest of the people, or whether

Project Gutenberg
Hermann and Dorothea from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.