Beatrix eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Beatrix.

Beatrix eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 423 pages of information about Beatrix.

About half-past ten o’clock the guests returned to the salon for coffee.  Under the circumstances in which Madame Schontz, Couture, and du Ronceret were placed, it is easy to imagine the effect produced upon the Heir by the following conversation which Maxime held with Couture in a corner and in a low voice, but so placed that Fabien could listen to them.

“My dear Couture, if you want to lead a steady life you had better accept a receiver-generalship which Madame de Rochefide will obtain for you.  Aurelie’s million will furnish the security, and you’ll share the property in marrying her.  You can be made deputy, if you know how to trim your sails; and the premium I want for thus saving you is your vote in the chamber.”

“I shall always be proud to be a follower of yours.”

“Ah! my dear fellow, you have had quite an escape.  Just imagine!  Aurelie took a fancy for that Norman from Alencon; she asked to have him made a baron, and chief-justice in his native town, and officer of the Legion of honor!  The fool never guessed her value, and you will owe your fortune to her disappointment.  You had better not leave that clever creature time for reflection.  As for me, I am already putting the irons in the fire.”

And Maxime left Couture at the summit of happiness, saying to La Palferine, “Shall I drive you home, my boy?”

By eleven o’clock Aurelie was alone with Couture, Fabien, and Rochefide.  Arthur was asleep on a sofa.  Couture and Fabien each tried to outstay the other, without success; and Madame Schontz finally terminated the struggle by saying to Couture,—­

“Good-night, I shall see you to-morrow.”

A dismissal which he took in good part.

“Mademoiselle,” said Fabien, in a low voice, “because you saw me thoughtful at the offer which you indirectly made to me, do not think there was the slightest hesitation on my part.  But you do not know my mother; she would never consent to my happiness.”

“You have reached an age for respectful summons,” retorted Aurelie, insolently.  “But if you are afraid of mamma you won’t do for me.”

“Josephine!” said the Heir, tenderly, passing his arm audaciously round Madame Schontz’ waist, “I thought you loved me!”


“Perhaps I could appease my mother, and obtain her consent.”


“If you would employ your influence—­”

“To have you made baron, officer of the Legion of honor, and chief-justice at Alencon,—­is that it, my friend?  Listen to me:  I have done so many things in my life that I am capable of virtue.  I can be an honest woman and a loyal wife; and I can push my husband very high.  But I wish to be loved by him without one look or one thought being turned away from me.  Does that suit you?  Don’t bind yourself imprudently; it concerns your whole life, my little man.”

“With a woman like you I can do it blind,” cried Fabien, intoxicated by the glance she gave him as much as by the liqueurs des Iles.

Project Gutenberg
Beatrix from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.