The Witch and other stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Witch and other stories.

The Witch and other stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 276 pages of information about The Witch and other stories.

“One morning I was standing in my yard near the stable cleaning a bridle.  All at once I saw her running through the little gate into my yard, with bare feet, in her petticoat, and straight towards me; she clutched at the bridle, getting all smeared with the pitch, and shaking and weeping, she cried:  ’I can’t stand him; I loathe him; I can’t bear it!  If you don’t love me, better kill me!’ I was angry, and I struck her twice with the bridle, but at that instant Vasya ran in at the gate, and in a despairing voice he shouted:  ‘Don’t beat her!  Don’t beat her!’ But he ran up himself, and waving his arms, as though he were mad, he let fly with his fists at her with all his might, then flung her on the ground and kicked her.  I tried to defend her, but he snatched up the reins and thrashed her with them, and all the while, like a colt’s whinny, he went:  ‘He—­he—­he!’”

“I’d take the reins and let you feel them,” muttered Varvara, moving away; “murdering our sister, the damned brutes!...”

“Hold your tongue, you jade!” Dyudya shouted at her.

“‘He—­he—­he!’” Matvey Savitch went on.  “A carrier ran out of his yard; I called to my workman, and the three of us got Mashenka away from him and carried her home in our arms.  The disgrace of it!  The same day I went over in the evening to see how things were.  She was lying in bed, all wrapped up in bandages, nothing but her eyes and nose to be seen; she was looking at the ceiling.  I said:  ’Good-evening, Marya Semyonovna!’ She did not speak.  And Vasya was sitting in the next room, his head in his hands, crying and saying:  ’Brute that I am!  I’ve ruined my life!  O God, let me die!’ I sat for half an hour by Mashenka and gave her a good talking-to.  I tried to frighten her a bit.  ‘The righteous,’ said I, ’after this life go to Paradise, but you will go to a Gehenna of fire, like all adulteresses.  Don’t strive against your husband, go and lay yourself at his feet.’  But never a word from her; she didn’t so much as blink an eyelid, for all the world as though I were talking to a post.  The next day Vasya fell ill with something like cholera, and in the evening I heard that he was dead.  Well, so they buried him, and Mashenka did not go to the funeral; she didn’t care to show her shameless face and her bruises.  And soon there began to be talk all over the district that Vasya had not died a natural death, that Mashenka had made away with him.  It got to the ears of the police; they had Vasya dug up and cut open, and in his stomach they found arsenic.  It was clear he had been poisoned; the police came and took Mashenka away, and with her the innocent Kuzka.  They were put in prison....  The woman had gone too far—­God punished her....  Eight months later they tried her.  She sat, I remember, on a low stool, with a little white kerchief on her head, wearing a grey gown, and she was so thin, so pale, so sharp-eyed it made one sad to look at her.  Behind her stood a soldier with a gun.  She would not confess her

Project Gutenberg
The Witch and other stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.