Louis Lambert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about Louis Lambert.

Louis Lambert eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 32 pages of information about Louis Lambert.
overruling phenomenon which defies analysis.  Man may be dissected completely; the elements of Will and Mind may perhaps be found; but there still will remain beyond apprehension the x against which I once used to struggle.  That x is the Word, the Logos, whose communication burns and consumes those who are not prepared to receive it.  The Word is for ever generating the Substance.


Rage, like all our vehement demonstrations, is a current of the human force that acts electrically; its turmoil when liberated acts on persons who are present even though they be neither its cause nor its object.  Are there not certain men who by a discharge of Volition can sublimate the essence of the feelings of the masses?


Fanaticism and all emotions are living forces.  These forces in
some beings become rivers that gather in and sweep away


Though Space is, certain faculties have the power of traversing it with such rapidity that it is as though it existed not.  From your own bed to the frontiers of the universe there are but two steps:  Will and Faith.


Facts are nothing; they do not subsist; all that lives of us is
the Idea.


The realm of Ideas is divided into three spheres:  that of
Instinct, that of Abstractions, that of Specialism.


The greater part, the weaker part of visible humanity, dwells in the Sphere of Instinct.  The Instinctives are born, labor, and die without rising to the second degree of human intelligence, namely Abstraction.


Society begins in the sphere of Abstraction.  If Abstraction, as compared with Instinct, is an almost divine power, it is nevertheless incredibly weak as compared with the gift of Specialism, which is the formula of God.  Abstraction comprises all nature in a germ, more virtually than a seed contains the whole system of a plant and its fruits.  From Abstraction are derived laws, arts, social ideas, and interests.  It is the glory and the scourge of the earth:  its glory because it has created social life; its scourge because it allows man to evade entering into Specialism, which is one of the paths to the Infinite.  Man measures everything by Abstractions:  Good and Evil, Virtue and Crime.  Its formula of equity is a pair of scales, its justice is blind.  God’s justice sees:  there is all the difference.
There must be intermediate Beings, then, dividing the sphere of Instinct from the sphere of Abstractions, in whom the two elements mingle in an infinite variety of proportions.  Some have more of one, some more of the other.  And there are also some in which the two powers neutralize each other by equality of effect.


Project Gutenberg
Louis Lambert from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.