Erewhon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Erewhon.

Erewhon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Erewhon.

On awaking next morning I was much better.  It was settled that I was to make my start in a conveyance which was to be in waiting for me at about eleven o’clock; and the anticipation of change put me in good spirits, which even the tearful face of Yram could hardly altogether derange.  I kissed her again and again, assured her that we should meet hereafter, and that in the meanwhile I should be ever mindful of her kindness.  I gave her two of the buttons off my coat and a lock of my hair as a keepsake, taking a goodly curl from her own beautiful head in return:  and so, having said good-bye a hundred times, till I was fairly overcome with her great sweetness and her sorrow, I tore myself away from her and got down-stairs to the caleche which was in waiting.  How thankful I was when it was all over, and I was driven away and out of sight.  Would that I could have felt that it was out of mind also!  Pray heaven that it is so now, and that she is married happily among her own people, and has forgotten me!

And now began a long and tedious journey with which I should hardly trouble the reader if I could.  He is safe, however, for the simple reason that I was blindfolded during the greater part of the time.  A bandage was put upon my eyes every morning, and was only removed at night when I reached the inn at which we were to pass the night.  We travelled slowly, although the roads were good.  We drove but one horse, which took us our day’s journey from morning till evening, about six hours, exclusive of two hours’ rest in the middle of the day.  I do not suppose we made above thirty or thirty-five miles on an average.  Each day we had a fresh horse.  As I have said already, I could see nothing of the country.  I only know that it was level, and that several times we had to cross large rivers in ferry-boats.  The inns were clean and comfortable.  In one or two of the larger towns they were quite sumptuous, and the food was good and well cooked.  The same wonderful health and grace and beauty prevailed everywhere.

I found myself an object of great interest; so much so, that the driver told me he had to keep our route secret, and at times to go to places that were not directly on our road, in order to avoid the press that would otherwise have awaited us.  Every evening I had a reception, and grew heartily tired of having to say the same things over and over again in answer to the same questions, but it was impossible to be angry with people whose manners were so delightful.  They never once asked after my health, or even whether I was fatigued with my journey; but their first question was almost invariably an inquiry after my temper, the naivete of which astonished me till I became used to it.  One day, being tired and cold, and weary of saying the same thing over and over again, I turned a little brusquely on my questioner and said that I was exceedingly cross, and that I could hardly feel in a worse humour with myself and every one else

Project Gutenberg
Erewhon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.