Erewhon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Erewhon.

Erewhon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 294 pages of information about Erewhon.
his neighbours with him, he may say what he likes; but if not, what insult can be more gratuitous than the telling them what they do not want to know?  A man should remember that intellectual over-indulgence is one of the most insidious and disgraceful forms that excess can take.  Granted that every one should exceed more or less, inasmuch as absolutely perfect sanity would drive any man mad the moment he reached it, but . . . "

He was now warming to his subject and I was beginning to wonder how I should get rid of him, when the party broke up, and though I promised to call on him before I left, I was unfortunately prevented from doing so.

I have now said enough to give English readers some idea of the strange views which the Erewhonians hold concerning unreason, hypothetics, and education generally.  In many respects they were sensible enough, but I could not get over the hypothetics, especially the turning their own good poetry into the hypothetical language.  In the course of my stay I met one youth who told me that for fourteen years the hypothetical language had been almost the only thing that he had been taught, although he had never (to his credit, as it seemed to me) shown the slightest proclivity towards it, while he had been endowed with not inconsiderable ability for several other branches of human learning.  He assured me that he would never open another hypothetical book after he had taken his degree, but would follow out the bent of his own inclinations.  This was well enough, but who could give him his fourteen years back again?

I sometimes wondered how it was that the mischief done was not more clearly perceptible, and that the young men and women grew up as sensible and goodly as they did, in spite of the attempts almost deliberately made to warp and stunt their growth.  Some doubtless received damage, from which they suffered to their life’s end; but many seemed little or none the worse, and some, almost the better.  The reason would seem to be that the natural instinct of the lads in most cases so absolutely rebelled against their training, that do what the teachers might they could never get them to pay serious heed to it.  The consequence was that the boys only lost their time, and not so much of this as might have been expected, for in their hours of leisure they were actively engaged in exercises and sports which developed their physical nature, and made them at any rate strong and healthy.

Moreover those who had any special tastes could not be restrained from developing them:  they would learn what they wanted to learn and liked, in spite of obstacles which seemed rather to urge them on than to discourage them, while for those who had no special capacity, the loss of time was of comparatively little moment; but in spite of these alleviations of the mischief, I am sure that much harm was done to the children of the sub-wealthy classes, by the system which passes current among the Erewhonians as education.  The poorest children suffered least—­if destruction and death have heard the sound of wisdom, to a certain extent poverty has done so also.

Project Gutenberg
Erewhon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.