The Call of the Canyon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about The Call of the Canyon.

The Call of the Canyon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about The Call of the Canyon.

Eruption, earthquake, avalanche, the attrition of glacier, the erosion of water, the cracking of frost, the weathering of rain and wind and snow—­ these it had eternally fought and resisted in vain, yet still it stood magnificent, frowning, battle-scarred and undefeated.  Its sky-piercing peaks were as cries for mercy to the Infinite.  This old mountain realized its doom.  It had to go, perhaps to make room for a newer and better kingdom.  But it endured because of the spirit of nature.  The great notched circular line of rock below and between the peaks, in the body of the mountains, showed where in ages past the heart of living granite had blown out, to let loose on all the near surrounding desert the streams of black lava and the hills of black cinders.  Despite its fringe of green it was hoary with age.  Every looming gray-faced wall, massive and sublime, seemed a monument of its mastery over time.  Every deep-cut canyon, showing the skeleton ribs, the caverns and caves, its avalanche-carved slides, its long, fan-shaped, spreading taluses, carried conviction to the spectator that it was but a frail bit of rock, that its life was little and brief, that upon it had been laid the merciless curse of nature.  Change!  Change must unknit the very knots of the center of the earth.  So its strength lay in the sublimity of its defiance.  It meant to endure to the last rolling grain of sand.  It was a dead mountain of rock, without spirit, yet it taught a grand lesson to the seeing eye.

Life was only a part, perhaps an infinitely small part of nature’s plan.  Death and decay were just as important to her inscrutable design.  The universe had not been created for life, ease, pleasure, and happiness of a man creature developed from lower organisms.  If nature’s secret was the developing of a spirit through all time, Carley divined that she had it within her.  So the present meant little.

“I have no right to be unhappy,” concluded Carley.  “I had no right to Glenn Kilbourne.  I failed him.  In that I failed myself.  Neither life nor nature failed me—­nor love.  It is no longer a mystery.  Unhappiness is only a change.  Happiness itself is only change.  So what does it matter?  The great thing is to see life—­to understand—­to feel—­to work—­to fight—­to endure.  It is not my fault I am here.  But it is my fault if I leave this strange old earth the poorer for my failure. . . .  I will no longer be little.  I will find strength.  I will endure. . . .  I still have eyes, ears, nose, taste.  I can feel the sun, the wind, the nip of frost.  Must I slink like a craven because I’ve lost the love of one man?  Must I hate Flo Hutter because she will make Glenn happy?  Never! ...  All of this seems better so, because through it I am changed.  I might have lived on, a selfish clod!”

Carley turned from the mountain kingdom and faced her future with the profound and sad and far-seeing look that had come with her lesson.  She knew what to give.  Sometime and somewhere there would be recompense.  She would hide her wound in the faith that time would heal it.  And the ordeal she set herself, to prove her sincerity and strength, was to ride down to Oak Creek Canyon.

Project Gutenberg
The Call of the Canyon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.