The Deputy of Arcis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about The Deputy of Arcis.

The Deputy of Arcis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about The Deputy of Arcis.

Bridau, Joseph
  The Purse
  A Bachelor’s Establishment
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  A Start in Life
  Modeste Mignon
  Another Study of Woman
  Pierre Grassou
  Letters of Two Brides
  Cousin Betty

Cadine, Jenny
  Cousin Betty
  The Unconscious Humorists

Camps, Octave de
  Madame Firmiani

Camps, Madame Octave de
  Madame Firmiani
  The Government Clerks
  A Woman of Thirty
  A Daughter of Eve

Canalis, Constant-Cyr-Melchior, Baron de
  Letters of Two Brides
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  Modeste Mignon
  The Magic Skin
  Another Study of Woman
  A Start in Life
  The Unconscious Humorists

Carigliano, Duchesse de
  At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  The Peasantry

Chargeboeuf, Melchior-Rene, Vicomte de
  The Muse of the Department

Chocardelle, Mademoiselle
  A Prince of Bohemia
  A Man of Business
  Cousin Betty

Cinq-Cygne, Laurence, Comtesse (afterwards Marquise de)
  The Gondreville Mystery
  The Secrets of a Princess
  The Seamy Side of History

Cointet, Boniface
  Lost Illusions
  The Firm of Nucingen

Collin, Jacques
  Father Goriot
  Lost Illusions
  A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  Scenes from a Courtesan’s Life

  Ursule Mirouet

Estorade, Louis, Chevalier, then Vicomte and Comte de l’
  Letters of Two Brides

Estorade, Madame de l’
  Letters of Two Brides
  Ursule Mirouet

Estorade, Armand de l’
  Letters of Two Brides

Fontanon, Abbe
  A Second Home
  The Government Clerks

Franchessini, Colonel
  Father Goriot

Gaston, Marie
  La Grenadiere
  Letters of Two Brides

Giguet, Colonel
  The Gondreville Mystery

Gobseck, Sarah Van
  Cesar Birotteau
  The Maranas
  Scenes from a Courtesan’s Life

Gondreville, Malin, Comte de
  The Gondreville Mystery
  A Start in Life
  Domestic Peace

  The Gondreville Mystery

Goujet, Abbe
  The Gondreville Mystery

  A Start in Life
  The Gondreville Mystery

Hauteserre, D’
  The Gondreville Mystery

  A Man of Business

Hulot, Victorin
  Cousin Betty

Keller, Francois
  Domestic Peace
  Cesar Birotteau
  Eugenie Grandet
  The Government Clerks

Keller, Madame Francois
  Domestic Peace
  The Thirteen

La Bastie la Briere, Madame Ernest de
  Modeste Mignon
  Cousin Betty

Lanty, Comte de

Lanty, Comtesse de

Project Gutenberg
The Deputy of Arcis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.