The Deputy of Arcis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about The Deputy of Arcis.

The Deputy of Arcis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about The Deputy of Arcis.
much interest in the charge to be brought against me, agreed to pay the costs, not only of the peasant-woman’s trip to Paris, but also those of the village practitioner by whom she was accompanied. [Left:  “Ha! ha!”] This superior woman having arrived in Paris, with whom did she immediately communicate?  With the special agent sent down to Arcis by the government to ensure the success of the ministerial candidate.  And who drew up the petition to this honorable Chamber for the necessary authority to proceed to a criminal prosecution?  Not precisely the special ministerial agent himself, but a barrister under his dictation, and after a breakfast to which the peasant- woman and her adviser were invited in order to furnish the necessary information. [Much excitement.  “Hear! hear!”]
The Minister of Public Works from his seat.—­Without discussing the truth of these statements, as to which I have personally no knowledge, I affirm upon my honor that the government is completely ignorant of the proceedings now related, which it blames and disavows in the most conclusive manner.
M. de Sallenauve.—­After the formal declaration which I have had the good fortune to evoke it would ill become me, gentlemen, to insist on tracing the responsibility for this intrigue back to the government.  But what I have already said will seem to you natural when you remember that, as I entered this hall, the minister of Public Works was in the tribune, taking part, in a most unusual manner, in a discussion on discipline wholly outside of his department, and endeavoring to persuade you that I had conducted myself towards this honorable body with a total want of reverence.

  The minister of Public Works said a few words which did not reach
  us.  Great disturbance.

  M.  Victorin Hulot.—­M. le president, have the goodness to
  request the minister of Public Works not to interrupt the speaker. 
  He can answer.

M. de Sallenauve.—­According to M. le comte de Rastignac, I showed essential disrespect to the Chamber by asking, in a foreign country, for leave of absence, which it was obvious I had already taken before making my request.  But, in his extreme desire to find me to blame, the minister lost sight of the fact that at the time I left France the Chamber had not met, no president existed, and therefore in making my request at that time to the president of this assembly I should simply have addressed a pure abstraction. [Left:  “True!”] As for the insufficiency of the motives with which I supported my request, I regret to have to say to the Chamber that I cannot be more explicit even now; because in revealing the true cause of my absence I should betray the secret of an honorable man, and not my own.  I did not conceal from myself that by this reticence I exposed my proceedings to mistaken interpretations,—­though I certainly did not expect it to give rise to accusations
Project Gutenberg
The Deputy of Arcis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.