Peculiarity in any kind requires encouragement in order to reach flower. The increased facilities of communication between points once isolated, the interchange of customs and modes of thought, make this encouragement more and more difficult each decade. The naturally inclined eccentric finds his sharp outlines rubbed off by unavoidable attrition with a larger world than owns him. Insensibly he lends himself to the shaping hand of new ideas. He gets his reversible cuffs and paper collars from Cambridge, Massachusetts, the scarabaeus in his scarf-pin from Mexico, and his ulster from everywhere. He has passed out of the chrysalis state of Odd Stick; he has ceased to be parochial; he is no longer distinct; he is simply the Average Man.
Adams, Nathaniel
Addison, Joseph
Allen, William
Atkinson, Theodore
Austin, Rebecca
Beaujolais, DUC de
Blay, Ruth
Boggs, Amos
Brewster, Charles Warren
Bridget, Molly
brown, Rev. Arthur
brown, captain Elihu
Bruce, Cyrus
Burroughs, Rev.
Dr. Charles
Byles, Rev. Mather
Caroline, Queen
Chadborn, Humphrey
Charles, prince
Clagett, Wyseman
Copley, John Singleton
Dunyon, William
Elizabeth, Queen
Fenton, John
Fowle, Daniel
Fowle, Primus
Franklin, Benjamin
Furber, Thomas
George I
Gerry, Elbridge
gorges, sir Ferdinand
Guast, Pierre de
Ham, Supply
Hancock, John
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hilton, Martha
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Sol
Jaffrey, George
JAFFRIES, George Jaffrey
Jewett, Sarah Orne
Keais, Samual
Kenny, Penelope
Knox, general Henry
Lafayette, marquis de
Laighton, Albert
Laighton, Oscar
Langdon, colonel John
Lear, Benjamin
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Macpheadris, Archibald
Mason, Jeremiah
Mason, John
Mason, John Tufton
march, Clement
Mather, Rev. Cotton
Meserve, George
Mitchel, lettuce
Moffatt, Catherine
Montpensier, DUC de
Moses, Joseph
Newman, Edward
noble, mark
Odiorne, Eben L.
Packer, Thomas
Peduzzi, Dominic
Penhallow, Wibird
Pepperell, sir William
Pepys, Samual
Philippe, Louis
Phippes, Thomas
Phipps, governor
Pickering, John
Pitt, William
Pottle, William
Pring, Martin
Quincy, Dorothy
Rochambeau, count de