Montezuma's Daughter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Montezuma's Daughter.

Montezuma's Daughter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Montezuma's Daughter.

All these things I remembered afterwards, though at the time I scarcely seemed to see them, for hardly were we arrived on the platform when I was seized and dragged to the wheel-shaped stone.  Here a hide girdle was put round my waist and secured to the ring by a rope long enough to enable me to run to the edge of the stone and no further.  Then a flint-pointed spear was given to me and spears were given also to the two captives who accompanied me, and it was made clear to me by signs that I must fight with them, it being their part to leap upon the stone and mine to defend it.  Now I thought that if I could kill these two poor creatures, perhaps I myself should be allowed to go free, and so to save my life I prepared to take theirs if I could.  Presently the head priest gave a signal commanding the two men to attack me, but they were so lost in fear that they did not even stir.  Then the priests began to flog them with leather girdles till at length crying out with pain, they ran at me.  One reached the stone and leapt upon it a little before the other, and I struck the spear through his arm.  Instantly he dropped his weapon and fled, and the other man fled also, for there was no fight in them, nor would any flogging bring them to face me again.

Seeing that they could not make them brave, the priests determined to have done with them.  Amidst a great noise of music and chanting, he whom I had smitten was seized and dragged to the hog-backed block of marble, which in truth was a stone of sacrifice.  On this he was cast down, breast upwards, and held so by five priests, two gripping his hands, two his legs, and one his head.  Then, having donned a scarlet cloak, the head priest, that same who had felt my heart, uttered some kind of prayer, and, raising a curved knife of the flint-like glass or itztli, struck open the poor wretch’s breast at a single blow, and made the ancient offering to the sun.

As he did this all the multitude in the place below, in full view of whom this bloody game was played, prostrated themselves, remaining on their knees till the offering had been thrown into the golden censer before the statue of the god Huitzel.  Thereon the horrible priests, casting themselves on the body, carried it with shouts to the edge of the pyramid or teocalli, and rolled it down the steep sides.  At the foot of the slope it was lifted and borne away by certain men who were waiting, for what purpose I did not know at that time.

Scarcely was the first victim dead when the second was seized and treated in a like fashion, the multitude prostrating themselves as before.  And then last of all came my turn.  I felt myself seized and my senses swam, nor did I recover them till I found myself lying on the accursed stone, the priests dragging at my limbs and head, my breast strained upwards till the skin was stretched tight as that of a drum, while over me stood the human devil in his red mantle, the glass knife in his hand.  Never shall I forget

Project Gutenberg
Montezuma's Daughter from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.