Montezuma's Daughter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Montezuma's Daughter.

Montezuma's Daughter eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about Montezuma's Daughter.

‘The counsel of the wolf to the deer perhaps,’ said Cuitlahua, coldly; ’counsel that shall lead us to the fangs of the Teules.  Who shall answer for this foreign devil, that he will not betray us if we trust him?’

‘I will answer with my life,’ answered Guatemoc.

’Your life is of too great worth to be set on such a stake, nephew.  Men of this white breed are liars, and his own word is of no value even if he gives it.  I think that it will be best to kill him and have done with doubts.’

’This man is wed to Otomie, princess of the Otomie, Montezuma’s daughter, your niece,’ said Guatemoc again, ’and she loves him so well that she offered herself upon the stone of sacrifice with him.  Unless I mistake she will answer for him also.  Shall she be summoned before you?’

’If you wish, nephew; but a woman in love is a blind woman, and doubtless he has deceived her also.  Moreover, she was his wife according to the rule of religion only.  Is it your desire that the princess should be summoned before you, comrades?’

Now some said nay, but the most, those whose interest Otomie had gained, said yea, and the end of it was that one of their number was sent to summon her.

Presently she came, looking very weary, but proud in mien and royally attired, and bowed before the council.

‘This is the question, princess,’ said Cuitlahua.  ’Whether this Teule shall be slain forthwith, or whether he shall be sworn as one of us, should he be willing to take the oath?  The prince Guatemoc here vouches for him, and he says, moreover, that you will vouch for him also.  A woman can do this in one way only, by taking him she vouches as her husband.  You are already wed to this foreigner by the rule of religion.  Are you willing to marry him according to the custom of our land, and to answer for his faith with your own life?’

‘I am willing,’ Otomie answered quietly, ‘if he is willing.’

‘In truth it is a great honour that you would do this white dog,’ said Cuitlahua.  ’Bethink you, you are princess of the Otomie and one of our master’s daughters, it is to you that we look to bring back the mountain clans of the Otomie, of whom you are chieftainess, from their unholy alliance with the accursed Tlascalans, the slaves of the Teules.  Is not your life too precious to be set on such a stake as this foreigner’s faith? for learn, Otomie, if he proves false your rank shall not help you.’

‘I know it all,’ she replied quietly.  ’Foreigner or not, I love this man and I will answer for him with my blood.  Moreover, I look to him to assist me to win back the people of the Otomie to their allegiance.  But let him speak for himself, my lord.  It may happen that he has no desire to take me in marriage.’

Cuitlahua smiled grimly and said, ’When the choice lies between the breast of death and those fair arms of yours, niece, it is easy to guess his answer.  Still, speak, Teule, and swiftly.’

Project Gutenberg
Montezuma's Daughter from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.