Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Logic.

Logic eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about Logic.

89.  What is the logical foundation of the indirect method or reductio ad absurdum?  Is it applicable to non-mathematical subjects? [S]

90.  On what grounds do we believe in the reality of an historical event? [S]

91.  “Facts are familiar theories.”  Explain and discuss this. [O]

92.  Wherein lies the difficulty of proving a negative? [O]

93.  Can any limits be assigned to the possible unification of the sciences? [O]

94.  Are the results of inductive inference necessarily certain? [O]

95.  The method of deductive science is hypothetical.  Explain and discuss. [O]

96.  “The uniformity of Nature can never be more than a working hypothesis.”  Explain and criticise.

97.  “Without speculation there is no good and original observation.”  Why? [O]

98.  Can the provinces of induction and deduction be kept separate? [O]

99.  How far is the relation of logical dependence identical with that of causation? [O]

99A.  Discuss the position that the forms of Logic are meaningless apart from their application.

100.  State in syllogistic form (mood and figure) the following arguments:—­

    (a) As polygamy is in many countries legal, we may infer the
    variability of the moral standard.

    (b) If gold is wealth, to export it diminishes the national

    (c) If all good people are happy, unhappiness is an
    indication of vice.

    (d) One may be sure of the benefits of inuring young
    children to cold, from the strength exhibited by all men and
    women thus treated in infancy.

    (e) Where there is no law, there is no injustice.

(f) “Dissimulation is but a faint kind of policy or wisdom; for it asketh a strong wit and a strong heart to know when to tell the truth, and to do it; therefore it is the weaker sort of politicians that are the greatest dissemblers.” (Bacon.)

    (g) Money being a barren product, it is contrary to nature
    to make it reproduce itself.  Usury, therefore, is unnatural,
    and, being unnatural, is unjustifiable.

    (h) The study of mathematics is essential to a complete
    course of education, because it induces a habit of close and
    regular reasoning. [S]

101.  Explain and illustrate the following terms:—­Subalternans, Vera Causa, Plurality of Causes, Law of Nature, Empirical Law, Summum Genus, Predicament, Arbor Porphyriana, Axiom, Universe of discourse (suppositio), Antinomy, Dilemma, Realism, Dichotomy, etc.

102.  Is there any distinction and, if so, what, between a complete Description and an Explanation? [C]

103.  On what principles have fallacies been classified?  To what extent do you think a satisfactory classification of Fallacies possible? [C]

Project Gutenberg
Logic from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.