RYE BREAKFAST CAKES—Beat the egg light, add one-half cup of sugar, two cups of milk, a saltspoon of salt, one and one-half cups of rye meal, one and one-half cups of flour and three level teaspoons of baking powder. Bake in a hot greased gem pan.
BREAKFAST CAKES—Sift one cup of corn meal, one-quarter teaspoon of salt and two level teaspoons of sugar together, stir in one cup of thick sour milk, one-half tablespoonful melted butter, one well beaten egg and one-half teaspoon of soda, measured level. Beat hard and bake in gem pans in a quick oven.
SCOTCH OAT CAKES—Can be either fried on a griddle or broiled over a fire. The meal for this purpose should be ground fine. Put a quart of the meal in a baking dish with a teaspoonful of salt. Pour in little by little just enough cold water to make a dough and roll out quickly before it hardens into a circular sheet about a quarter of an inch thick. Cut into four cakes and bake slowly for about twenty minutes on an iron griddle. Do not turn but toast after they are cooked.
SCOTCH SCONES—Two cups flour, four level teaspoons baking powder, two level tablespoons sugar, one level teaspoon salt, three level tablespoons butter, one whole egg or two yolks, one cup buttermilk. Sift together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, and work in the butter with the fingers, then add the buttermilk and egg well beaten. Mix well, turn onto floured board and knead slightly. Roll out one-half inch thick. Cut with small biscuit cutter and cook on a hot griddle, turning once.
LOG CABIN TOAST FOR BREAKFAST—This is made up of long strips of bread cut to the thinness of afternoon tea sandwiches, then toasted a delicate brown. All are lightly buttered and piled on a hot plate log cabin fashion.
OLD FASHION RUSKS—At night make a sponge as for bread with two cups of scalded milk, a teaspoon of salt, yeast and flour. In the morning put half a cup of butter into two cups of milk and heat until the butter is barely melted, add this to the sponge, one cup of sugar and three beaten eggs. Add flour to make a dough that can be kneaded. Let rise very light. Roll out one and one-half inches thick, cut in round cakes, let rise and bake a deep yellow color.
WAFFLES SOUTHERN STYLE—One pint of flour, one pint buttermilk, one egg, half teaspoon soda dissolved in little water, one teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon baking powder, one tablespoon cornmeal, one tablespoon melted butter. Mix as any other batter cake or waffles.
WHOLE WHEAT POPOVERS—Put two-thirds cup of whole wheat meal, one and two-thirds cup of white flour, and one-half level teaspoon of salt into a sifter and sift three times. Pour two cups of milk on slowly and stir until smooth. Beat two eggs five minutes, add to the first mixture, and beat again for two minutes. Turn into hot greased iron gem pans and bake half an hour in a rather quick oven.