Fowler's Household Helps eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Fowler's Household Helps.

Fowler's Household Helps eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Fowler's Household Helps.

A Novel Match Scratcher—­To avoid matches being scratched on the wall-paper almost as much as on the match-scratch, try the idea of removing the glass from a small oval or square picture frame and framing a piece of sandpaper just as one would a picture.  Put a small screw-eye on top of the frame, thus allowing it to hang perfectly flat against the wall.  The frame prevents the match from being carried over the edges of the sandpaper onto the wall.

Emergency White Glove Repair—­If your white glove rips or tears accidentally just as you are putting it on to go out, and there is no time to mend same, put a small strip of white adhesive plaster over the spot and it will never be noticed.

To Keep Rugs from Slipping—­Cut a three-cornered piece of rubber sheeting to fit each corner and sew it firmly in place.  Another way is to take a piece of heavy, rough sheathing paper a bit smaller than the rug and lay the rug on that.

For Sagging Chair Seats—­When cane-seated chairs sag they can be tightened by washing the bottom of the cane in hot water and soap; then rinse in clean water and dry out-of-doors.

Two Uses for Velveteen—­Old velveteen, fastened over a firm broom, is excellent for wiping down walls.

To polish furniture, use a piece of velveteen instead of chamois leather.  The former is much cheaper than the chamois and serves just as well.

Saltpeter for Icy Steps—­Ice on marble or stone steps can be thawed by sprinkling several handfuls of saltpeter on it.

An Easy Fly Exterminator—­To drive out flies put twenty drops of oil of lavender in a saucer and dilute it slightly with hot water.  The sweet, heavy odor of the lavender is very disagreeable to the flies, and the house will soon be rid of them.

To Avoid Mistakes with Poison—­When poison is kept in the house, push two stout, sharp-pointed pins through the corks crosswise.  The pricking points remind even the most careless person of danger.

To Pick Up Broken Glass—­Even the smallest pieces of broken glass can be easily picked up by using a bit of wet absorbent cotton, which can afterward be destroyed by burning.

For Leaky Vases or Other Ornamental Bric-a-Brac—­If a valuable flower vase leaks, take some melted paraffin, such as is used over jelly-jars, and pour it into the vase and let it harden over the spot where the leak occurs.  It will not leak again.

Polish for Floors—­Rub polished floors with a mixture of one-third raw linseed oil and two-thirds paraffin.  Afterward polish with a dry cloth.

To Prevent a Rocking Chair from Creeping across the room while rocking in it, glue strips of velvet on bottom of chair rockers, and the annoyance will cease.

To Mark Place for Picture-Nail—­When just the right position has been found to hang the picture, moisten your finger and press it against the place where the nail should go.  This does away with the awkward reaching for hammer and nail while holding the picture against the wall.

Project Gutenberg
Fowler's Household Helps from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.