“My dear brethren and sisters, I must still tell you that I have been four times in danger of my life when running in my kaiak, for so often have I been overset when I was quite alone. When almost suffocated in the water, I prayed to our Saviour for deliverance. Each time I raised myself up by means of the bladder, but it was God my Saviour who saved me from these dangers. In him alone I trust, and provide for myself, my wife and children with pleasure. Although, as long as I am upon earth I shall feel my weakness and corruption, yet I go with it all to our Saviour, as a child does for help to its parent. I pray thus: ’O! my Jesus! thou lover of my soul, let me feel thy nearness, impress thy sufferings and death upon my heart, melt it and make it tender through the power of thy blood, and according to thy good pleasure, make me well-pleasing unto thee. Thou hast bought me with thy blood, that I might be saved; throughout my whole life will I rely upon thee, my God and Redeemer! I will place thee before my heart, as thou for my sake in agony and sore distress in the garden of Gethsemane wast weighed down to the ground with my guilt, until sweat mixed with blood, forced itself through thy body, and fell in great drops to the ground.’ At such times my heart grows warm, and my eyes overflow. This alone is able to soften our hard hearts—this I experience, and your hearts cannot be subdued and softened by any thing else. You must go to Jesus’ cross, for there is no other way to happiness.—Take