The Days of Bruce Vol 1 eBook

Grace Aguilar
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about The Days of Bruce Vol 1.

The Days of Bruce Vol 1 eBook

Grace Aguilar
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 523 pages of information about The Days of Bruce Vol 1.

Musingly she had stood looking forth on the wide waste; the distant ocean, whose tumbling waves one moment gleamed in living light, at others immersed in inky blackness, were barely distinguished from the lowering sky.  The moaning winds swept by, bearing the storm-cloud on their wings; patches of blue gleamed strangely and brightly forth; and, far in the west, crimson and amber, and pink and green, inlaid in beautiful mosaic the departing luminary’s place of rest.

“Alas, my gentle one,” she had internally responded to her daughter’s words, “if thy mother’s patriot heart could find no shield for woe, nor her warrior fire, as thou deemest it, guard her from woman’s trials, what will be thy fate?  This is no time for happy love, for peaceful joys, returned as it may be; for—­may I doubt that truthful brow, that knightly soul (her glance was fixed on Nigel)—­yet not now may the Scottish knight find rest and peace in woman’s love.  And better is it thus—­the land of the slave is no home for love.”

A faint yet a beautiful smile, dispersing as a momentary beam the anxiety stamped on her features, awoke at the enthusiastic reply of Nigel.  Then she turned again to the casement, for her quick eye had discerned a party of about ten horsemen approaching in the direction of the tower, and on the summons of the bugle she advanced from her retreat to the centre of the apartment.

“Why, surely thou art but a degenerate descendant of the brave Macduff, mine Agnes, that a bugle blast should thus send back every drop of blood to thy little heart,” she said, playfully.  “For shame, for shame! how art thou fitted to be a warrior’s bride?  They are but Scottish men, and true, methinks, if I recognize their leader rightly.  And it is even so.”

“Sir Robert Keith, right welcome,” she added, as, marshalled by young Alan, the knight appeared, bearing his plumed helmet in his hand, and displaying haste and eagerness alike in his flushed features and soiled armor.

“Ye have ridden long and hastily.  Bid them hasten our evening meal, my son; or stay, perchance Sir Robert needs thine aid to rid him of this garb of war.  Thou canst not serve one nobler.”

“Nay, noble lady, knights must don, not doff their armor now.  I bring ye news, great, glorious news, which will not brook delay.  A royal messenger I come, charged by his grace my king—­my country’s king—­with missives to his friends, calling on all who spurn a tyrant’s yoke—­who love their land, their homes, their freedom—­on all who wish for Wallace—­to awake, arise, and join their patriot king!”

“Of whom speakest thou, Sir Robert Keith?  I charge thee, speak!” exclaimed Nigel, starting from the posture of dignified reserve with which he had welcomed the knight, and springing towards him.

“The patriot and the king!—­of whom canst thou speak?” said Alan, at the same instant.  “Thine are, in very truth, marvellous tidings, Sir Knight; an’ thou canst call up one to unite such names, and worthy of them, he shall not call on me in vain.”

Project Gutenberg
The Days of Bruce Vol 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.