“We began to read the volume late in the evening; and, although it consists of about 400 pages, our eyes could not close in sleep until we had read the whole. This excellent book should find a place on every drawing-room table—nay, in every library in the kingdom.”—Bucks Chronicle.
“We congratulate Miss Aguilar on the spirit, motive, and composition of this story. Her aims are eminently moral, and her cause comes recommended by the most beautiful associations. These, connected with the skill here evinced in their development, insure the success of her labors.”—Illustrated News.
“As a writer of remarkable grace and delicacy, she devoted herself to the inculcation of the virtues, more especially those which are the peculiar charm of women.”—Critic.
“It is a book for all classes of readers; and we have no hesitation in saying, that it only requires to be generally known to become exceedingly popular. In our estimation it has far more attractions than Miss Burney’s celebrated, but overestimated, novel of ‘Cecilia.’”—Herts County Press.
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“This is a handsome volume: just such a book as we would expect to find among the volumes composing a lady’s library. Its interior corresponds with its exterior; it is a most fascinating tale, full of noble and just sentiments.”—Palladium.
* * * * *
With Illustrations. 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth, $1.00.
“The authoress of this most fascinating volume has selected for her field one of the most remarkable eras in modern history—the reigns of Ferdinand and Isabella. The tale turns on the extraordinary extent to which concealed Judaism had gained footing at that period in Spain. It is marked by much power of description, and by a woman’s delicacy of touch, and it will add to its writer’s well-earned reputation.”—Eclectic Review.