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“A very pleasing and successful attempt to combine ideal delineation of character with the records of history. Very beautiful and very true are the portraits of the female mind and heart which Grace Aguilar knew how to draw. This is the chief charm of all her writings, and in ’The Days of Bruce’ the reader will have the pleasure of viewing this skillful portraiture in the characters of Isoline and Agnes, and Isabella of Buchan.”—Literary Gazette.
“What a fertile mind was that of Grace Aguilar! What an early development of reflection, of feeling, of taste, of power of invention, or true and earnest eloquence! ‘The Days of Bruce’ is a composition of her early youth, but full of beauty. Grace Aguilar knew the female heart better than any writer of our day, and in every fiction from her pen we trace the same masterly analysis and development of the motives and feelings of woman’s nature. ‘The Days of Bruce’ possesses also the attractions of an extremely interesting story, that absorbs the attention, and never suffers it to flag till the last page is closed, and then the reader will lay down the volume with regret.”—Critic.
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One volume, 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.00.
The Perez Family. The Stone-Cutter’s Boy of Possagno. Amete and Yafeh. The Fugitive. The Edict; A Tale of 1492. The Escape; A Tale of 1755. Red Rose Villa. Gonzalvo’s Daughter. The Authoress.