“This interesting volume unquestionably contains many valuable hints on domestic education, much powerful writing, and a moral of vast importance.”—Englishwoman’s Magazine.
“It is very pleasant, after reading a book, to speak of it in terms of high commendation. The tale before us is an admirable one, and is executed with taste and ability. The language is beautiful and appropriate; the analysis of character is skilful and varied. The work ought to be in the hands of all who are interested in the proper training of the youthful mind.”—Palladium.
“In reviewing this work, we hardly know what words in the English language are strong enough to express the admiration we have felt in its perusal.”—Bucks Chronicle.
“The object and end of the writings of Grace Aguilar were to improve the heart, and to lead her readers to the consideration of higher motives and objects than this world can ever afford.”—Bell’s Weekly Messenger.
“‘Home Influence’ will not be forgotten by any who have perused it.”—Critic.
“A well-known and valuable tale.”—Gentleman’s Magazine.
“A work which, possesses an extraordinary amount of influence to elevate the mind and educate the heart, by showing that rectitude and virtue conduce no less to material prosperity, and worldly comfort and happiness, than to the satisfaction of the conscience, the approval of the good, and the hope and certainty of bliss hereafter.”—Herts County Press.
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"Home Influence, a Tale for Mothers and Daughters."
“Grace Aguilar belonged to the school of which Maria Edgeworth was the foundress. The design of the book is carried out forcibly and constantly, ‘The Home Influence’ exercised in earlier years being shown in its active germination.”—Atlas.
“The writings of Grace Aguilar have a charm inseparable from productions in which feeling is combined with intellect; they go directly to the heart. ‘Home Influence,’ the deservedly popular story to which this is a sequel, admirably teaches the lesson implied in its name. In the present tale we have the same freshness, earnestness, and zeal—the same spirit of devotion, and love of virtue—the same enthusiasm and sincere religion which characterized that earlier work. We behold the mother now blessed in the love of good and affectionate offspring, who, parents themselves, are, after her example, training their children in the way of rectitude and piety.”—Morning Chronicle.
“This beautiful story was completed when the authoress was little above the age of nineteen, yet it has the sober sense of middle age. There is no age nor sex that will not profit by its perusal, and it will afford as much pleasure as profit to the reader.”—Critic.