South Carolina: 26-7, 36, 44-6, 57-8, 173, 179-80, 182, 185-90, 200-1, 208, 253, 321, 386, 435.
Spain: 16, 26, 90, 211.
Speed, James: 405.
Speed, Joshua: 70, 81, 87, 116-8, 405, 440.
Spoils System: 49-50, 95, 254-5.
Springfield: Lincoln’s life there, 70-7, 81-7, 101-9; his farewell speech there, 203; his funeral there, 453.
Stanton, Edwin: rude to Lincoln in law case, services in Buchanan’s Cabinet, denounces Lincoln’s administration, made Secretary of War, 272; great mistake as to recruiting, 299, 368; Conservative hostility to him, 328-9; services in War Department and loyalty to Lincoln, 272, 290, 329, 389, 406, 419-20; at Lincoln’s death-bed, 453.
States: relations to Federal Government and during
secession to
Confederacy, 24, 221-3.
Stephens, Alexander: 179, 199-200, 432-4.
Stevenson, Robert Louis: 87.
Stowe, Mrs. Beecher: 51, 54, 110.
Submarines: 251.
Sumner, Charles: 101, 138-9, 418, 429, 448.
Supreme Court: 41, 112-5, 144, 378, 382.
Swedish colonists: 17.
Swett, Leonard: 13.
Talleyrand: 29.
Taney, Roger: 112-5, 144, 206, 242, 429.
Taylor, Zachary: 92-3, 95, 98.
Tennessee River: 226, 280, 339.
Tennessee State: 27, 199, 226, 229, 275-7, 279-84, 338-40, 342-3, 393-4, 397, 408.
Tennyson, Alfred: 259.
Territories: their position under Constitution, 25; expansion and settlement, 26-8; cessions of Territories by States to Union, 38; conflict as to slavery in them, see Slavery.
Terry, General; 433.
Texas: 28, 91, 198, 199, 388, 453.
Thomas, George H., General: 231, 280, 341, 343, 369, 388, 396-7.
Todd, Mary. See Lincoln, Mrs.
Trumbull, Lyman: 120.
Tyler, John: 72, 91, 200.
“Underground Railway”: 150.
Union and United States. See America.
Union men: letter of Lincoln to great meeting of, 384-5.
Urbana: 291-2.
Usher: 405.
Utah: 99.
Vallandigham, Clement: 379, 381-3, 413.
Van Buren, Martin: 47, 49, 66.
Vandalia: 72.
Vermont: 16, 38.
Vicksburg: 226, 282, 339, 348-55, 449.
Victoria, Queen: 263, 451.
Virginia: 3, 27, 37, 38, 39, 47, 54, 69, 98, 197-200, 209, 213, 217, 228; and for stages of war in Virginia see McClellan, Lee and Shenandoah Valley.
Volney: 69.
Voltaire: 69.
Voluntary enlistment in the North, 221-2; results here and in U.S.A., 364-5; its fundamental immorality when used on a large scale, 366.
Wad, Senator: 194, 400.
Walker, Governor: 140.
Wallace, General: 393.