Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

Rappahannock:  309, 311, 355, 358.

Rathbone, Major:  450-1.

Raymond:  414. And see 404.

Reconstruction:  326-8, 333-5, 398-401, 434-5, 448-50.

Red River:  388.

Republican Party:  (1) Party of this name which followed Jefferson and of which leading members were afterwards Democrats, 30, 31; (2) New party formed in 1854 to resist extension of slavery in Territories, 111; runs Fremont for Presidency, 112; embarrassed by Dred Scott judgment, 112, 115; possibility of differences underlying its simple principles, 122; disposition among its leaders to support Douglas after Kansas scandal, 141-3; consistency of thought and action supplied to it by Lincoln, 122, 145-6; nomination and election of Lincoln, 160-2, 166-9; sections in the party during war, 267-71; increasing divergence between Lincoln and the leading men in the party, 321, 326-9, 401-2, 409-14, 430, 434-5, 450.

Reuben, First Chronicles of:  11-2.

Revolution, American:  20-2.

Revolution, French:  31.

Rhodes, Cecil:  335.

Rhodes, James Ford:  418, 459.

Richmond:  225-7, 242, 245, 275, 302, 392; siege of Petersburg and
Richmond, see Lee or Grant; feeling in Richmond towards end, 431-2;
Lincoln’s visit to it, 447.

Roberts, F. M. Earl:  364.

Robinson Crusoe:  10.

Rollin:  67.

Romilly, Samuel:  32.

Rosecrans, General:  342-3, 351, 359-60.

Russell, Lord John:  260, 263, 313.

Russia:  118, 211, 256.

Rutledge, Ann:  78.

St. Gaudens, Augustus:  330.

St. Louis:  116, 244.

Salisbury, Marquess of:  258, 259.

Sangamon:  64-5, 166.

Savannah:  398, 435.

Schofield, General:  397, 436-7.

Schools, Lincoln’s:  10.

Schurz, Carl:  235, 421.

Scott, Dred, and his case; 112-5, 144.

Scott, William:  421-2.

Scott, Winfield, General:  93, 100, 205, 208, 231, 246-9, 274-5, 388, 453.

Secession. See South and Confederacy.

Seward, William:  opponent of compromise of 1850 and rising Republican leader, 101, 137, 152; against opposing Douglas, 141; speaks well of John Brown, 152; expected to be Republican candidate for Presidency, rejected partly for his unworthy associates, more for his supposed strong opinions, 161-8; supports Lincoln in election, 169; action during progress of Secession, 193-5, 204; on First Inaugural, 206; action during crisis of Fort Sumter, 208-10; vain attempt to master Lincoln and generous acceptance of defeat, 210-1, 250; his part in foreign policy, 262-5, 387; wise advice to postpone Emancipation, 320; retained by Lincoln in spite of intrigues against him, 328-30; administration of martial law, 376; his usefulness and great loyalty, 406; his judgment on McClellan, 426; attempt to assassinate him, 451; certifies ratification of 13th amendment, 336.

Project Gutenberg
Abraham Lincoln from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.