Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln eBook

George Haven Putnam
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 609 pages of information about Abraham Lincoln.

Neuse River:  437.

Nevada:  95.

New Berne:  437.

New England:  17, 173, 241, 326.

New Hampshire:  100.

New Jersey:  17.

New Mexico:  96, 99, 145, 194.

New Orleans; 4, 13-4, 46, 198, 226, 283.

New Salem:  4, 63-9, 78-80.

New York City:  29, 49, 144, 155-6, 205, 241, 254, 384.

New York State:  16, 17, 29.

Niagara:  105, 139, 404.

Nicolay, John:  211, 235, 419, 458, 460.

North:  original characteristics and gradual divergence from South, in America and South; advantages and disadvantages in the war, 214-9; divisions in the North, see Democrats and Radicals; magnitude of effort and endurance shown by the North, 363-6, 426-7.

North Anna River:  392.

North Carolina:  26, 27, 194; secedes with Virginia, 229, 435-7, 452.

North-West Territory:  38.

Northcote, Sir Stafford:  260.

Novels:  67.

Nueces River:  92.

Oberlin, 150.

Officers:  220, 223-4, 350.

Ohio River:  4, 8, 26, 117, 226, 243, 280.

Ohio State:  38, 161, 172, 340-2, 344, 359, 381-3.

Olmsted, Frederick Law:  53, 57, 460.

Oratory in America:  34, 41, 133, 136, 138, 155, 159, 362.

Oregon, Territory and State:  28, 92, 96, 112.

Orsini:  152.

Owens, Mary:  80-1.

Paine, Tom:  69.

Palmerston:  234, 260, 313.

Pardon of offenders by Lincoln; 420-1.

Parliament:  relation to Colonies, 19; contrast with Congress, 20, 23.

Parliamentarians under Charles I.:  33.

Party and Parties:  46-50, 374-5, 385. And see American, Federalist,
Free-Soil, Democratic, Republican and Whig.

Patterson, General:  247.

Pemberton, General:  354-5.

Pennsylvania:  17, 202, 355-8.

Peoria:  72, 135, 142.

Petersburg. See Richmond.

Philadelphia:  184, 356.

Pierce, Franklin:  100, 111, 138, 218.

Pilgrim’s Progress:  10.

Pitt, William, the younger:  376.

Polk, President:  91-3.

Polk, Bishop and General, 350.

Pope, General:  283, 301, 302-3.

Port Hudson:  343, 354-5.

Porter, Admiral:  349, 353, 388, 435-6, 444.

Post of Arkansas:  351.

Potomac:  225, 243, 249, 288, 306, 358.

Presbyterian:  77, 439.

Prince Consort:  263.

Prisoners of War:  398.

Protection:  42, 45, 65, 68, 202.

Public Works; 42, 65, 71.

Puritans:  17.

Quakers:  17, 50, 153.

Radicals:  232-3, 245, 267-70, 328, 398-400, 410, 430.

Railways:  7, 27, 226-7, 276, 339, 388, 396, 397, 447.

Raleigh:  437, 452.

Rapidan:  288, 311, 358, 391.

Project Gutenberg
Abraham Lincoln from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.