McClellan, George B., General: practical help to Douglas, 134; successes in West Virginia, 243; put in command of Army of Potomac and later of all armies, 272; his strategic views at outset of war, 274-5, 276, 280; his career and character, 284-6; Lincoln’s problem about him, 286-7; procrastination and friction before he moved, 287-91; preliminaries to campaign in Peninsula, 291-3; relieved of command over Western armies, 293; campaign in Peninsula, 293-5, 298-302; his recall and failure to support Pope, 302-4; army of Potomac restored to him, 305; battle of Antietam and subsequent delays, 305-7; his final dismissal and its cause, 307-9; his political career, 300, 308, 374, 413-5, 416, 424; resigns from Army, 437; Seward’s judgment on him, 427.
McClernand, General: 350-2.
McLean, Justice: 114, 167.
Madison, James: 37.
Maine: 16, 40.
Malplaquet: 364.
Marcy: 49.
Marshall, John: 41.
Martial Law: 376-81. See also 265-7, 269-70, 313, 321, 335-6, 451.
Martineau, Harriet: 43.
Maryland: 197, 225, 240-2, 304-7, 333-4.
Mason: 263.
Massachusetts: 16, 19, 172-3, 239-40, 296, 409.
Mathematics: 67. And see Euclid.
Maximilian, Archduke and Emperor: 388.
Mayflower: 150.
Meade, George, General: 356-8, 391, 447.
Memphis: 226, 275, 349, 389.
Meridian: 227, 389.
Merrimac: 292-3.
Methodists: 150.
Mexico: 28, 90; war with, 91-3; later relations, 211, 256, 388-9, 404, 420.
Mexico, Gulf of: 27, 208.
Michigan: 38, 172.
Militia: 228, 246, 369.
Mill, John Stuart: 260.
Milligan, case of, in Supreme Court: 378.
Minnesota: 27.
Mississippi River: 7, 8, 13, 26, 56, 198, 226, 275, 281, 283, 348-55.
Mississippi State: 26, 175, 179, 199, 227. And
see Meridian and
Missouri Compromise: 39-40; repealed, 109-12; question whether unconstitutional, 112-5.
Missouri River: 26.
Missouri State: 27, 39-40, 113, 197, 225, 229, 244-5, 269-70, 333-4, 400.
Mobile: 227, 388, 395, 412.
Moltke: 217.
Monroe Doctrine: 388.
Montana: 26.
Montgomery: 199-200, 225.
Mormons: 99, 130.
Motley, John Lathrop: 138, 237, 238, 417.
Napoleon I.: 26, 215.
Napoleon III.: 256, 313, 388.
Nashville: 339, 396.
National Bank: 42, 47, 65.
Nebraska: 110, 113.
Negotiations for peace, impossible demand for them: 402-5, 428, 431-4.
Negroes: Lincoln on notion of equality as applied to them, 124; Stephens on great moral truth of their inferiority, 179; their good conduct during the war and their valour as soldiers, 330; Lincoln’s human sympathy with them, and the right attitude in face of the bar between the two races, 330-3; mistaken precipitancy in giving them the suffrage, 334-5, 430; the Confederacy ultimately enlists negroes, 431; negro bodyguard at Lincoln’s second Inauguration, 435; projects for colonisation of negroes, 42, 317, 331, 332. See also Slavery.