The Arian Controversy eBook

Henry Melvill Gwatkin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about The Arian Controversy.

The Arian Controversy eBook

Henry Melvill Gwatkin
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 172 pages of information about The Arian Controversy.
  de Synodis, 97, 98;
  third return, 111;
  at council of Alexandria, 112;
  fourth exile, 114;
  fourth return, 120, 122;
  on the Holy Spirit, 125;
  troubles with Valens, 127;
  final restoration, 129;
  and Basil, 132, 134;
  and Apollinarius, 137-141;
  last years, reception of Marcellus, 142;
  death, 143; 151;
  holds to Nicene creed, 160.

Aurelian, Emperor (270-275), services, 16;
  test of Christian orthodoxy, 24.

Auxentius, Arian bishop of Milan, 102, 121;
  Cappadocian, 131.

Baptismal professions, 23.

Basil, Bishop of Ancyra, expelled, 62;
  restored, 82;
  at synod of Ancyra, 90, 132; 98,
  returns, 111.

Basil, Bishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), 109;
  on the Holy Spirit, 125;
  life and work, 132-136;
  on reception of Marcellians, 144, 145;
  death, 151;
  student life, 152;
  holds to Nicene creed, 160.

Basilina, mother of Julian, 105, 106.

Belisarius, 165.

Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage, at Nicaea, 20.

Cappadocia, 130.

Carpones, an early Arian, 14;
  at Rome, 65.

Chrysostom (John), 43, 46, 163.

Claudius, Bishop in Picenum, 100.

Constans, Emperor (337-350), 62, 69, 73;
  death, 80.

Constantia, sister of Constantine, 25.

Constantine, Emperor (306-337), character, 17;
  dealings with Arianism, 18;
  summons Nicene council, 19;
  action there, 36, 37, 47;
  church on Golgotha, 57, 76;
  exiles Athanasius, 59;
  work and death, 61;
  church at Antioch, 67, 87;
  power of his name, 80, 127, 128; 148.

Constantine II., Emperor (337-340), 62;
  death, 70.

Constantius, Emperor (337-361), 45, 46;
  accession and character, 62;
  calls Sardican council, 70;
  recalls Athanasius, 73;
  defeats Magnentius, 81;
  pressure on the West, 82;
  exiles Liberius, 85;
  expels Athanasius, 86, 101, 103;
  death of, 106, 112.

  Alexandria (362), 112. 
  Ancyra (358), 90. 
  Antioch (269), 33.
  " (338), 64.
  " (341), 67.
  " (344), 72. 
  Ariminum (359), 93. 
  Arles (314), 20.
  " (353), 70. 
  Constantinople (360), 101.
  " (381), 157. 
  Lampsacus (364), 125. 
  Jerusalem (335), 58. 
  Milan (355), 83. 
  Nicaea (325), 19-40. 
  Sardica (343), 70. 
  Seleucia (359), 93. 
  Tyre (335), 57.

  Antioch (first), 68.
  " (second = Lucianic), 68.
  " (third = Tyana), 69.
  " (fourth), 69.
  " (fifth), 72. 
  Apostles’ (Marcellus), 22, 67. 
  Caesarea, 26. 
  Constantinople (360), 101. 
  “Constantinople” (381), 159. 
  Jerusalem, 77, 159. 
  Nicaea (genuine) 29.
  " (spurious), 159. 
  Nice, 95. 
  Sardica (Philippopolis), 72. 
  Seleucia, 97. 
  Sirmium (manifesto), 88.
  " (dated), 94.

Project Gutenberg
The Arian Controversy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.