Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

tact, courtesy, adroitness, and skill

talents, opportunities, influence, and power

talkative, selfish, superstitious, and inquisitive

tastes, appetites, passions, and desires

tease, tantalize, worry, and provoke

tenacious, stubborn, pertinacious, and obstinate
                                  [pertinacious = perversely persistent]

tendency, drift, scope, and disposition

tests, trials, temptations, and toils

theatrical, ceremonious, meretricious, and ostentatious
                               [meretricious = plausible but insincere]

theory, assumption, speculation, and conjecture

think, reflect, weigh, and ponder

tortuous, twisted, sinuous, and circuitous

tractable, gentle, pliant, and submissive

traditional, uncertain, legendary, and unverified

traffic, trade, commerce, and intercourse

tricky, insincere, wily, and shifty

trite, ordinary, commonplace, and hackneyed

trivial, petty, frivolous, and insignificant

true, upright, real, and authentic

tumultuous, riotous, disorderly, and turbulent


ugly, evil, hateful, and base

uncertain, questionable, erroneous, and mistaken

unctuous, shrill, brisk, and demonstrative
                                     [unctuous = exaggerated, insincere]

unhappy, unfortunate, distressed, and disastrous

uninteresting, lifeless, obscure, and commonplace

unity, aggressiveness, efficiency, and force

unkind, severe, oppressive, and callous

unpractical, childish, slipshod, and silly

unreasonable, foolish, excessive, and absurd

unrivaled, unequaled, incomparable, and matchless

upright, high-minded, brave, and liberal

urgent, important, immediate, and imperative

usage, custom, habit, and practise


vain, useless, unproductive, and unavailing

vanities, envies, devices, and jealousies

vast, scattered, various, and incalculable

versatile, eloquent, sagacious, and talented [sagacious = wise]

vigorous, upright, dignified, and imperative

vile, mean, debased, and sordid

violent, impetuous, intense, and ungovernable

virtuous, upright, honest, and moral

visionary, dreamy, pensive, and sensitive

vulgar, heavy, narrow, and obtuse


want, lack, poverty, and paucity

warm, soft, clear, and serene

waste, devastate, pillage, and destroy

watched, tendered, fostered, and pruned

weak, inefficient, stupid, and futile

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.