distinct, definite, clear, and obvious
distinguished, glorious, illustrious, and eminent
disturbed, shaken, distressed, and bewildered
docile, tractable, compliant, and teachable
dogmatic, bigoted, libelous, and unsympathizing
doubt, indecision, suspense, and perplexity
dread, disgust, repugnance, and dreariness
dreary, dispirited, unhappy, and peevish
dry, lifeless, tiresome, and uninteresting
dubious, equivocal, fluctuating, and uncertain
dull, heavy, painstaking, and conscientious
earth, air, stars, and sea
efficient, forcible, adequate, and potent
emaciated, scraggy, meager, and attenuated
endless, ceaseless, immutable, and imperishable
energy, eagerness, earnestness, and enthusiasm
enhance, exalt, elevate, and intensify
enormous, base, prodigious, and colossal
enrage, incense, infuriate, and exasperate
enthusiasm, devotion, intensity, and zeal
envy, discontent, deception, and ignorance
equitable, reasonable, just, and honest
equivocal, uncertain, cloudy, and ambiguous
eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, and annihilate
= pull up by the roots]
erroneous, faulty, inaccurate, and inexact
eternal, unchangeable, unerring, and intelligent
evil, misfortune, corruption, and disaster
exacting, suspicious, irritable, and wayward
exalt, dignify, elevate, and extol
examination, inquiry, scrutiny, and research
exceed, outdo, surpass, and transcend
exceptional, uncommon, abnormal, and extraordinary
excitement, distraction, diversion, and stimulation
exhaustive, thorough, radical, and complete
expend, dissipate, waste, and squander
facile, showy, cheap, and superficial
faithful, truthful, loyal, and trustworthy
fame, distinction, dignity, and honor
fanatic, enthusiast, visionary, and zealot
fanciful, unreal, fantastic, and grotesque
fancy, humor, vagary, and caprice
= extravagant or erratic notion or action]
fashion, practise, habit, and usage
fastidious, proud, gracious, and poised
fate, fortune, contingency, and opportunity
fatuous, dreamy, moony, and impracticable
fear, timidity, cowardice, and pusillanimity
feeble, languid, timid, and irresolute
ferocious, restive, savage, and uncultivated
fervent, enthusiastic, anxious, and zealous
fiction, fancy, falsehood, and fabrication