approval, enthusiasm, sympathy, and applause
aptitude, capacity, efficiency, and power
arbitrary, dictatorial, domineering, and imperious
= arrogantly domineering or overbearing]
architecture, sculpture, painting, and poetry
ardent, impatient, keen, and vehement
argue, discuss, dispute, and prove
arrangement, place, time, and circumstance
art, science, knowledge, and culture
artful, wily, insincere, and disingenuous
artificial, soulless, hectic, and unreal
assemble, amass, accumulate, and acquire
assiduity, tenderness, industry, and vigilance
= persistent application]
assurance, persuasion, fidelity, and loyalty
attention, effort, diligence, and assiduity
= persistent application]
august, magnanimous, important, and distinguished
authoritative, independent, arbitrary, and supreme
avaricious, grasping, miserly, and parsimonious
= excessively frugal]
aversion, dislike, hatred, and repugnance
bad, vicious, unwholesome, and distressing
babble, prate, chatter, and prattle
barbarous, brutal, inhuman, and cruel
base, cowardly, abject, and hideous
battle, defeat, frustrate, and ruin
bearing, deportment, manner, and behavior
beg, entreat, implore, and supplicate
beliefs, doctrines, ceremonies, and practices
boorish, clownish, rude, and uncultivated
boundless, immeasurable, unlimited, and infinite
bravery, courage, fearlessness, and confidence
breadth, knowledge, vision, and power
brilliant, beautiful, elegant, and faithful
broaden, enlarge, extend, and augment
business, profession, occupation, and vocation
candid, sincere, familiar, and ingenuous
captious, petulant, peevish, and splenetic
= point out trivial faults]
cautious, discreet, considerate, and provident
certain, confident, positive, and unquestionable
chagrin, vexation, irritation, and mortification
character, disposition, temperament, and reputation
charm, fascinate, bewitch, and captivate
cheap, inexpensive, inferior, and common
cheer, animate, vivify, and exhilarate [vivify = bring life to]
chiefly, particularly, principally, and especially
childhood, youth, manhood, and age
circumstance, condition, environment, and surroundings