Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

startling, alarming, and vehement

statesmen, philosophers, and divines

steadiness, self-control, and serenity

stern, forbidding, and unfeeling

stiff, decorous, and formal

strained, worn, and haggard

strange, dark, and mysterious

strengthen, invigorate, and discipline

strenuous, intelligent, and alive

striking, bold, and magnificent

stripped, swept, and bare

strong, cool, and inflexible

studied, discussed, and debated

sturdy, energetic, and high-minded

style, manner, and disposition

subtle, delicate, and refined

successful, energetic, and ingenious

sudden, vehement, and unfamed

suggestive, stimulating, and inspiring

sullen, silent, and disconsolate

suppliant, gentle, and submissive [suppliant = asking humbly]

surprise, admiration, and wonder

suspicious, restive, and untractable

swiftness, mobility, and penetrativeness

sympathy, service, and compassion


talent, scholarship, and refinement

tameness, monotony, and reserve

taste, feeling, and sentiment

tedious, painful, and distressing

temper, pride, and sensuality

temperament, character, and circumstance

temperate, sweet, and venerable

tenderness, loyalty, and devotion

terror, remorse, and shame

terseness, simplicity, and quaintness

theatrical, sensational, and demonstrative

thought, utterance, and action

threats, cries, and prayers

thrilling, dramatic, and picturesque

thwart, criticize, and embarrass

time, thought, and consideration

touched, strengthened, and transformed

tradition, prejudice, and stupidity

tragic, tremendous, and horrible

transparent, theatric, and insincere

treachery, envy, and selfishness

tremulous, soft, and bright [tremulous = trembling, quivering, shaking]

trial, discipline, and temptation

tricks, shufflings, and frauds

trivial, labored, and wearisome

true, lasting, and beneficial

tyranny, injustice, and extortion


ugly, scowling, and offensive

unbending, contemptuous, and scornful

unclean, shameful, and degrading

undecided, wavering, and cautious

unearthly, horrible, and obnoxious

uneasy, overstrained, and melancholy

unity, emphasis, and coherence

unmodulated, cold, and expressionless

unphilosophical, unsystematic, and discursive

unscrupulous, heartless, and hypocritical

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.