restless, discontented, and rebellious
restraint, self-denial, and austerity
reticent, restrained, and reserved
reverie, contemplation, and loneliness
rich, thoughtful, and glowing
ridicule, sarcasm, and invective [invective = abusive language]
rights, powers, and privileges
rise, flourish, and decay
robustness, elasticity, and firmness
romance, adventure, and passion
rough, barren, and unsightly
rude, sulky, and overbearing
rush, roar, and shriek
sacredness, dignity, and loveliness
sad, gloomy, and suspicious
safe, sensible, and sane
sanguine, impulsive, and irrepressible
= cheerfully confident; optimistic]
sarcasm, satire, and ridicule
satiety, surfeit, and tedium
savage, fierce, and intractable
scheming, contriving, and dishonesty
self-absorbed, conceited, and contemptuous
self-conscious, artificial, and affected
self-exacting, laborious, and inexhaustible
selfishness, coarseness, and mendacity [mendacity = untruthfulness]
sense, grace, and good-will
sensibility, harmony, and energy
sensitive, ardent, and conscientious
serene, ineffable, and flawless [ineffable = indescribable]
serious, calm, and searching
settled, adjusted, and balanced
shallow, false, and petty
shapes, forms, and artifices
sharpness, bitterness, and sarcasm
shivering, moaning, and weeping
shrewd, artful, and designing
shy, wild, and provocative
sick, ashamed, and disillusioned
silent, cold, and motionless
simple, full, and impressive
sin, selfishness, and luxury
sincere, placable, and generous [placable = easily calmed; tolerant]
skill, sagacity, and firmness [sagacity = farsighted; wise]
sleekness, stealth, and savagery
slovenly, base, and untrue
slow, reluctant, and unwelcome
smirking, garrulous, and pretentious
= excessive and trivial talk]
smooth, sentimental, and harmonious
smug, fat, and complacent
sneers, innuendoes, and insinuations
social, esthetic, and intellectual
solitary, sedentary, and lifeless
sound, human, and healthy
sour, malignant, and envious
spacious, clean, and comfortable
speechless, motionless, and amazed
spirit, vigor, and variety
spitefulness, dishonesty, and cruelty
splendid, powerful, and enduring