virulence and invective [invective = abusive language]
visible and apparent
visionary and obscure
vistas and backgrounds
vital and vigorous
vitiate and poison [vitiate = reduce the value]
vituperation and abuse [vituperation = abusive language]
vivacious and agreeable
vivid and varied
void and nothingness
volatile and fiery
volubly and exuberantly [volubly = ready flow of speech]
volume and impetus
voluminous and varied
voluntarily and habitually
vulgar and artificial
wandering and erratic
wanton and unnecessary
war and revelry
warp and woof [warp = lengthwise threads]
= crosswise threads]
wasteful and circuitous
waxing and waning
weak and perfidious
wealth and distinction
wearisome and dull
weighed and winnowed
weighty and dominant
weird and fantastic
wheezing and puffing
whims and inconsistencies
wholesome and beautiful
wholly and solely
wicked and malicious
widened and amplified
wild and irregular
wily and observant
winking and blinking
winning and unforced
wise and beneficent
wistful and dreamy
wit and jocularity [jocularity = given to joking]
withered and wan
woe and lamentation
wonder and delight
work and utility
worldly and ambitious
worth and excellence
wrath and menace
wretched and suppliant
yearning and eagerness
yielding and obedience
yoke and bondage
young and fragile
youthful and callow [callow = immature]
zeal and vehemence
zenith and climax
zest and freshness
zigzag and deviating
ability, humor, and perspicacity [perspicacity = perceptive]
abrupt, rough, and immoderate
abstruse, metaphysical, and idealistic
abundant, varied, and vigorous
accessible, knowable, and demonstrable
accomplished, inventive, and deft-fingered
accuracy, ease, and grace
acquire, classify, and arrange
action, incident, and interest