slipshod and untidy
slothfulness and perversity
slow and sluggish
slumbering and unsuspected
small and hampered
smirched and tarnished
smoothness and artifice
sneering and sentimental
soberly and truthfully
softness and effeminacy
solemn and dramatic
solitary and idle
solitude and depression
sonorous and musical
sons and scions [scions = descendant or heir]
soporific and sodden [soporific = inducing sleep]
sordid and stupid
sorrow and lamentation
soulless and mindless
sovereign and independent
spacious and lofty
sparkling and spontaneous
spasmodic and hysterical
speedy and inevitable
spicy and pungent
spiritual and invisible
spiteful and sordid
splash and dash
splendor and glory
spontaneity and intensity
sportive and playful
sprightly and vigorous
spur and impulse
spurious and misleading
squalid and dismal [squalid = wretched, dirty, repulsive]
stare and gasp
stately and ponderous
statesmanship and character
staunch and influential
stay and solace
steadfast and resolute
steadily and patiently
stealthy and hostile
stern and unbending
stiff and cumbersome
stifling and venomous
still and translucent
stimulating and wholesome
stings and stimulants
stir and tumult
stolid and soulless
strain and struggle
strange and incomprehensible
stratagems and plots
strenuous and energetic
strictly and absolutely
strife and contention
striking and picturesque
strong and youthful
structure and organization
struggles and misgivings
studied and artificial
stunned and insensible
stupor and despair
sturdy and manly
style and temperament
suave and winning
sublime and aspiring
submission and patience
subordinate and dependent
substance and basis
subtle and elusive
suddenness and vehemence
suffering and desperation
suffused and transfigured
suggestions and stimulations
sullen and fierce
summarize and epitomize
sumptuous and aromatic
sunshine and smiles
superb and showy
supercilious and obstinate [supercilious = haughty disdain]
superficial and obvious
superfluous and impertinent