petted and indulged
pettiness and prudence
petulance and acrimony
pharisaical and bitter
= hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory]
pictorial and dramatic
picturesque and illustrative
pilgrim and crusader
pillage and demolish
piquant and palatable [piquant = agreeable pungent taste]
pith and brevity
pitiful and destitute
place and power
plagued and persecuted
plainness and severity
plaintive and mournful
plans and projects
plastic and ductile
plausibility and humbug
pleasant and pungent
pleasurable and wholesome
pliant and submissive
plot and verisimilitude
plunder and sacrilege
poetical and pastoral
pointless and ineffective
polite and elegant
political and sociological
pomp and pageantry
ponderous and unwieldy
poor and barren
possession and dominion
potent and prevailing
power and luxury
praise and commend
precedence and usage
precision and efficiency
preference and prejudice
pregnant and suggestive
prejudice and predilection [predilection = preference]
presence and address
present and tangible
prestige and authority
presumptuous and futile
pretentious and inept
pretty and enchanting
pride and indignation
primary and essential
priority and predominance
probity and candor [probity = integrity; uprightness]
prodigal and careless
profile and outline
profound and philosophical
profuse and tearful
prolix and tedious [prolix = prolonged; wordy]
prominence and importance
promise and performance
promptitude and dispatch
proneness and readiness
pronounced and diversified
proof and illustration
propensity and desire
proportion and consistency
propriety and delicacy
prostration and loss
protection and safety
protesting and repelling
protracted and fruitless
provincialism and vulgarity
prudent and sagacious [sagacious = keenly discerning]
puerile and sickly [puerile = immature; childish]
puffy and dissipated
puissant and vigorous [puissant = with power, might]
punctilious and severe [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]
purity and simplicity
purpose and intention
pusillanimous and petty [pusillanimous = cowardly]