moral and religious
morbid and irritable
motionless and commanding
motives and aims
mud and mire
muddled and incoherent
murmurs and reproaches
muscularity and morality
mutable and fleeting
mute and insensate
mutilated and disfigured
muttering and murmuring
mutual and friendly
mysterious and incomprehensible
mystic and wonderful
nagging and squabbling
nameless and obscure
narrow and timorous
natural and spontaneous
nauseous and disgusting
neatness and propriety
necessarily and essentially
needs and demands
nefarious and malevolent
negations and contradictions
neglect and evade
negotiate and bargain
nerve and fiber
neutral and colorless
nicety and precision
nimble and airy
noble and powerful
nodding and blinking
noisy and scurrilous [scurrilous = vulgar, coarse, abusive language]
nonsense and absurdity
nooks and corners
notable and conspicuous
noted and distinguished
noteworthy and intelligible
notoriety and prominence
nourish and foster
novelty and freshness
novice and ignoramus
nucleus and beginning
nugatory and ineffectual [nugatory = no importance; trifling]
nullify and destroy
number and variety
numerous and important
oaths and revilings
obdurate and impenitent [obdurate = hardened in
wrongdoing ]
= without remorse for sins]
obedient and dutious
obeisance and submission
objectionable and inexpedient
obligation and dependence
obliquity and hypocrisy
oblivious and insensible
obloquy and detraction [obloquy = abusive language]
obnoxious and odious
obscure and enigmatical
obsequies and panegyrics [obsequies = funeral
= elaborate praise]
obsequious and conciliating [obsequious = servile compliance; fawning]
observations and reflections
obstacles and disasters
obstinate and stupid
obstreperous and noisy [obstreperous = stubbornly defiant]
obtrusive and vulgar
obtuse and imbecile
obvious and palpable
occasional and contingent
occult and hidden
occupations and habits
odd and dismal