literary and artistic
lithe and sinewy
lively and poignant
loathsome and abject
lofty and sonorous
= producing a full, rich sound; impressive speech]
logical and consistent
loquacity and exuberance [loquacity = very talkative.]
loss and deterioration
loud and passionate
loving and reverential
low and groveling
loyal and devoted
lucidity and vividness
lucky and propitious [propitious = auspicious, favorable; kindly]
lucrative and advantageous
ludicrous and detestable
lugubrious and unfortunate [lugubrious = dismal, gloomy]
lukewarm and indifferent
lull and silence
luminous and keen
lure and captivate
lurid and fiery
luscious and lasting
luster and resplendence
lusty and big-sounding
luxury and pomp
madness and folly
magical and secret
magnificent and luxurious
majestic and imposing
malice and revenge
malignity and spitefulness
manifold and complex
manly and powerful
manner and conduct
marvels and mysteries
massive and compact
masterly and convincing
materialistic and sordid
maternal and filial
maudlin and grotesque [maudlin = tearfully sentimental]
maxims and morals
meager and bare
mean and debasing
meaning and significance
means and materials
mechanical and monotonous
meddling and muddling
meditative and sympathetic
meek and manageable
melody and softness
memorable and glorious
menace and superciliousness [superciliousness = haughty disdain]
merciful and chivalrous
merciless and unpitying
merit and virtue
mighty and majestic
mild and virtuous
mince and temporize
minds and memories
minuteness and fidelity
mirth and joviality
misdemeanors and improprieties
misery and degradation
misrepresented and reviled
misty and indefinite
mobile and expressive
mockery and imposture
moderate and cautious
modes and methods
modest and retiring
molding and upbuilding
momentary and languid [languid = lacking energy; weak]
momentous and appalling
monopoly and injustice
monotony and indecorum
monstrous and insupportable
moody and brooding