guidance and inspiration
gush and hysteria
gusto and effect
habits and humors
habitual and intuitive
hackneyed and tawdry
haggard and pale
handsome and amiable
haphazard and dangerous
happiness and pleasantness
harass and pursue
hard and unsparing
hardships and indignities
harmony and beauty
harsh and austere
hasty and unwarranted
hateful and loathsome
haughtiness and arrogance
hauteur and disdain [hauteur = arrogance]
hazard and peril
hazy and indefinite
headstrong and foolish
healthy and vigorous
hearth and shrine
heartless and hypocritical
heat and impatience
heaviness and weariness
hecklings and interruptions
hectic and pitiful
heretics and schismatics
heritage and privilege
heroism and wisdom
hesitation and irresolution
hideous and grotesque
high and conscientious
hilarity and mirth
hints and suggestions
history and tradition
hither and thither
hoarse and rumbling
hobbies and eccentricities
hollowness and unreality
holy and prayerful
homeliness and simplicity
honestly and confessedly
honors and emoluments [emoluments = compensation]
hooted and mobbed
hopes and prospects
horror and ghastliness
hospitality and magnificence
hubbub and confusion
huge and unwieldy
humane and sympathetic
humility and devoutness
humors and singularities
hurry and bustle
hushed and still
husks and phantoms
hypocrisy and impudence
ideas and achievements
idle and presumptuous
ignoble and shabby
ignominy and misfortune
ignorance and superstition
illiterate and unfit
ill-tempered and unjust
illuminative and suggestive
illustrative and typical
images and impressions
imagination and memory
imbitter and exasperate
imitators and disciples
immature and unpromising
immediate and instantaneous
immensity and intricacy
imminent and terrible
immovable and unchangeable
impalpable and spiritual
impassioned and energetic
impatient and restless
imperfection and fallibility
imperil and destroy