formlessness and exaggeration
fortitude and perseverance
foul and ominous
fragile and pale
fragments and morsels
fragrance and beauty
frailties and absurdities
frank and genial
free and independent
frequent and poignant
freshness and fragrance
fretful and timorous
friend and benefactor
frigid and pompous
frivolous and empty
froth and effervescence
frustrated and confounded
fuddled and contradictory
full and sonorous
fumbling and blundering
fuming and bustling
fun and satire
function and aim
fundamental and necessary
furrowed and ragged
furtive and illusive
fury and madness
fussing and fuming
futile and untrustworthy
gaiety and grace
gallant and proud
galling and humiliating
gaunt and ghastly
gay and genial
general and universal
generosity and prodigality
generous and humane
genial and refreshing
genius and reputation
gentle and amiable
genuine and infectious
germ and root
gesticulation and emphasis
= deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture]
ghastly and inconceivable
gifts and graces
gigantic and portentous
glamour and fascination
glare and pretension
glib and loquacious [loquacious = very talkative]
glitter and glamour
gloomy and morose
glorious and gorgeous
glowing and exaggerated
glum and grim
goodness and rectitude
goodwill and merriment
gorgeousness and splendor
gossiping and grumbling
govern and overrule
grace and dignity
gracious and generous
gradual and progressive
graft and dishonesty
grand and sublime
grandeur and massiveness
grandiose and oracular [oracular = solemnly prophetic; obscure]
graphic and gorgeous
gratification and enjoyment
gratitude and generosity
gratuitous and ungracious
grave and stately
graveyards and solitudes
greatness and stability
greed and covetousness
grief and remorse
grim and sullen
grimaces and gesticulations
grope and fumble
grossness and brutality
grotesque and monstrous
grouped and combined
growth and development
guesses and fancies