affable and courteous
affectation and coquetry
affectionate and warm-hearted
affluent and exuberant
affright and abhorrence
agencies and influences
ages and generations
aggrandizement and plunder
agreeable and ingenuous
aggressive and sullen
aghast and incredulous
agility and briskness
agitate and control
agony and despair
aids and auxiliaries
aim and purpose
airy and frivolous
alarm and uneasiness
alert and unsparing
all and sundry
allegiance and fidelity
alone and undistracted
alterations and additions
amazement and admiration
ambiguity and disagreement
ambition and determination
amiable and unpretending
ample and admirable
amusing and clever
analytical and critical
anarchy and chaos
ancient and venerable
anecdote and reminiscence
anger and fury
anguish and hopelessness
animated and effective
anomalies and absurdities
antagonism and opposition
antipathies and distastes
antiquated and obsolete
anxiety and trepidation
apathy and torpor
apologetic and uneasy
appalling and devastating
apparent and palpable
appearance and surroundings
apprehensive and anxious
appropriate and eloquent
approve and admire
apt and novel
archness and vivacity [archness = inappropriate playfulness]
ardent and aspiring
argument and inference
arid and unprofitable
arrangement and combination
arrogant and overbearing
artificial and elaborate
artistic and literary
artlessness and urbanity
ashamed and speechless
aspects and phases
aspiring and triumphal
assiduity and success
assimilated and combined
assuaged and pacified
astonished and curious
astound and perplex
athletic and nimble
atonement and forgiveness
atrocious and abominable
attacks and intrigues
attention and respect
attitudes and expressions
attractiveness and ability
audacity and skill
august and splendid
austere and icy
available and capable
avarice and cruelty
avidity and earnestness [avidity = desire; craving]
awake and active
awe and reverence
awkwardness and crudity