slavish imitation
sledge-hammer blows
sleepless soul
sleepy enchantment
slender resource
slight acceleration
slovenly deportment
slow stupefaction
sluggish resolution
slumbering stream
smacking breeze
small aptitude
smiling repose
smirking commonplace
smoldering resentment
smothered sob
smug hypocrisy
snappish impertinence
sneering jibes
snowy whiteness
snug retreat
soaring ambition
sobbing wail
sober melancholy
social banalities
sociological bearing
soft allurement
solemn emptiness
solid knowledge
solidifying substance
solitary grandeur
somber relations
somewhat scandalized
somnolent state
sonorous simplicity
[sonorous = full,
deep, rich sound; impressive in style of speech]
sophistical argument
soporific emanations [soporific = inducing sleep]
sordid selfishness
sorely beset
sorrowful resignation
soulless mechanism
sounding verbiage
sourly ascetic
sovereign panacea
spacious tracklessness
sparkling splendor
specialized skill
specific characteristics
specious artifice
= having the ring plausibility but actually fallacious]
spectral fears
speculative rubbish
speechless surprise
speedy extinction
spendthrift prodigality
spirited vindication
spiritual dazzlement
splendid irony
splenetic imagination [splenetic = ill humor or irritability]
spontaneous challenge
sporadic exception
sportive gaiety
spotless honor
sprightly talk
spurious enthusiasm
squalid distress
= Dirty and wretched; morally repulsive; sordid]
squandered talent
squeamish taste
staggering surprise
stainless womanhood
stale sciolism [sciolism = superficial knowledge]
stalwart defiance
stammered apology
starched sterility
starlit eminence
startling eccentricity
starving proletariat
stately stride
statesmanlike person
statistical knowledge
statuesque immobility
staunch manhood
steadfast obedience
stentorian voice [stentorian = extremely loud]
stereotyped commonness
sterile hatred
sterling sense
stern defiance