Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

penniless wanderer

pensive reflections

perceptible difference

peremptory punishment [peremptory = ending all debate or action]

perennial charm

perfect embodiment

perfunctory inquiries

perilous expedient

permanent significance

pernicious doctrine

perpetual oscillation

perplexing problem

persecuting zeal

persistent adherence

personal predilection [predilection = a preference]

persuasive eloquence

pert prig

pertinacious solemnity [pertinacious = stubbornly persistent]

pertinent question

perusing earnestness

pervading tendencies

perverse quaintness

pessimistic skepticism

pestiferous career [pestiferous = evil or deadly; pernicious]

pet aversion

petrified smile

petticoat diplomacy

pettifogging business

petty pedantries [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]

phantom show

philanthropic zeal

philosophical acuteness

phlegmatic temperament [phlegmatic = calm, sluggish; unemotional]

phosphorescent shimmer

photographic exactitude

physical convulsion

pictorial embellishments

picturesque details

piercing clearness

pinchbeck dignity [pinchbeck = cheap imitation]

pining melancholy

pioneering spirit

pious platitudes

piquant allusions [piquant = attracting or delighting]

pitiable frenzy

pitiless precision

pivotal point

placid stupidity

plainly expedient

plainspoken rebuke

plaintive cadence

plastic mind

plausible commonplaces

playful wit

pleasing reveries

pleasurable excitement

plenary argument

plentiful harvest

plighted word [plighted = promised by a solemn pledge]

poignant clearness

pointless tale

poisonous counsels

polished ease

polite indifference

political malcontent

polluting taints

pompous platitudes

ponderous research

pontifical manner

popular resentment

populous fertility

portentous gulf

positively deteriorating

posthumous glory

potential energy

powerful stimulant

practical helpfulness

precarious path

precautionary measure

precipitous flight

precise purpose

precocious wisdom

preconceived view

predatory writers

predestined spinster

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.