Vigorous and well compacted
Violating all decency
Violent and unforeseen vicissitudes
= sudden or unexpected changes]
Vitiated by intolerance and shortsightedness
= reduce the value; corrupt morally; debase]
Vivid even to oppressiveness
Voracious and insatiable appetite
Vulgar eagerness for place
Warnings too pregnant to be disregarded
Warped by personal pretensions and self-consequence
We may parenthetically note
We must profoundly revere it
Weigh the merits and demerits
Welcomed at first with skeptical contempt
Well-concerted and well-timed stratagems
Whirled into rapid and ceaseless motion
Wholesale friction and discontent
Wholly devoid of public interest
Widely divergent social traits
Wield an unequaled and paramount authority
Wiser counsels prevailed
Withal decidedly handsome
Written in indelible characters upon his heart
Yield to urgent representations
Zealous in the cause he affected to serve
[Pencilled into the flyleaf: “A navy blue feeling where my heart used to be”]