Skulking beneath a high-sounding benevolence
Slack-minded skimming of newspapers
Slavish doctrines of sectarianism
Slow and resistless forces of conviction
Smug respectability and self-content
Snatch some advantage
Socialized and exacting studies
Some very undignified disclosures
Something essentially inexpressible
Something stifling and over-perfumed
Spinning a network of falsehoods
Spiritual and moral significance
Staring in helpless bewilderment
Stealthily escaping observation
Stern determination to inflict summary justice
Stigmatized as moral cowards
Stimulated to profitable industry
Stopped as if on the verge of profundities
Strange frankness of cynical brutality
Strange streak of melancholy
Strangled by a snare of words
Strenuous and conscientious endeavor
Stretched out in dreary monotony
Strict and unalloyed veracity
Struck incessantly and remorselessly
Stupendous and awe-inspiring spectacle
Subject to the vicissitudes of fortune
= sudden or unexpected changes]
Subjected to the grossest cruelties
Subordination to the common weal
Subservient to the ends of religion
Sudden and inexplicable changes of mood
Suddenly and imperatively summoned
Suddenly swelled to unprecedented magnitude
Sufficient to repel vulgar curiosity
Suggestive sagacity and penetration [sagacity = farsighted; wise]
Suit the means to the end
Sullen and widespread discontent
Superior in strength and prowess
Supported by a splendid fearlessness
Supremely and undeniably great
Susceptible to every impulse and stimulus
Sustained dignity and mellifluous precision
= flowing with honey; smooth and sweet]
Swamping every aspiration and ambition
Swift and vehement outbursts of feeling
Take root in the heart
Take vengeance upon arrogant self-assertion
Taken in their totality
Tamed and wonted to a settled existence
Tempered by the emotional warmth of high moral ideals
That way madness lies
The abysmal depths of despair
The accumulated bitterness of failure
The agonies of conscious failure
The air was full of the cry and clamor
The animadversions of critics [animadversions = Strong criticism]
The applause was unbounded
The best proof of its timeliness and salutariness
= favorable]