Intercourse with polished society
Intervals of respite and repose
Inveigh against established customs
= angry disapproval; protest vehemently]
Invested with a partial authority
Inveterate forces of opposition
Invincible jealousy and hate
Involuntary thrill of gratified vanity
Involved in profound uncertainty
Involving ourselves in embarrassments
Inward appraisal and self-renouncement
Irregulated and desultory education [desultory = haphazard; random]
Irrelevant to the main issue
Irresistibly impelled by conscience
Irritable bitterness and angry suspicion
It assumes the shape of malignity
It betrays a great want of prudence and discernment
It defies description
It dissipates every doubt and scruple
It enslaves the imagination
It extorted from him expressions of irritability
It gives one a little grip at the throat
It has been stigmatized as irrelevant
It has more than passing interest
It has seldom been surpassed
It imposes no constraint
It is a capital blunder
It is a common error among ignorant people
It is a consoling reflection
It is a mark of great instability
It is a staggering thought
It is always something vicious
It is an odd jealousy
It is an intolerable idea
It is impossible to resist acknowledging this
It is little more than a platitude
It is not consistent with elevated and dignified character
It is not wholly insignificant
It is notoriously easy to exaggerate
It is the common consent of men
It is unnecessary to multiply instances
It makes life insupportable
It must be a matter of conjecture
It occasions suspicion and discontent
It runs counter to all established customs
It was a matter of notoriety
It wears a ragged and dangerous front
It would be a fruitless and unthankful task
It would be superfluous to say
It would not seem an improbable conclusion
Its dominating and inspiring influence
Jealous and formidable foes
Justifiable in certain exigencies [exigencies = urgent situations]
Keen power of calculation and unhesitating audacity
Kindle the flames of genuine oratory
Knotty and subtle disquisitions [disquisitions = formal discourse]
Labored and far-fetched elocution