Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

To a man of the highest public spirit

To avoid all possibility of being misunderstood

To be more explicit

To be sure, we sometimes hear

To bring the matter nearer home

To convince them of this

To feel the true force of this argument

To illustrate

To make my story quite complete

To me, however, it would appear

To my way of conceiving such matters

To prevent misapprehension

To some it may sound like a paradox

To sum up all that has been said

To sum up in one word

To take a very different instance

To the conclusion thus drawn

To the enormous majority of persons

To these general considerations

To this I answer

To this it will be replied

To what other cause can you ascribe

To-day, as never before

Treading close upon the heels

Tried by this standard

True it is

True, there are difficulties

Truly it is a subject for astonishment

Two things are made very clear


Under all the circumstances

Under these favoring conditions

Under this head

Undoubtedly we may find

Unfortunately it is a truth

Unless I could be sure

Up to this moment I have stated


Very strange is this indeed


We all agree as to

We all feel the force of the maxim

We all in equal sincerity profess

We almost shudder when we see

We are accustomed to lay stress upon

We are all familiar with

We are approaching an era

We are apt to forget

We are assembled here to-day

We are beginning to realize

We are bound to give heed

We are constantly being told

We are fulfilling what I believe to be

We are in the habit of saying

We are met to-night

We are not able to prove

We are not disinterested

We are quite unable to speculate

We are told emphatically

We are tolerably certain

We believe with a sincere belief

We can but pause to contemplate

We can imagine the amazement of

We can not but be struck with

We can not escape the truth

We can not have this too deeply fixed

We can not too highly honor the temper of

We can not wonder

We can only applaud the sentiment

We can only bow with awe

We can presume

We can remember with pride

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.