Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Few things impress the imagination more

Finally, it is my most fervent prayer

First in my thoughts are

First of all I ask

For, be assured of this

For behold

For I must tell you

For if any one thinks that there is

For, in truth, if you please to recollect

For instance, I can fancy

For is it not true

For it is not right to

For let it be observed first

For mark you

For my own part, I believe

For myself, certainly I think

For observe what the real fact is

For one I deny

For, perhaps, after all

For, perhaps, some one may say

For so it generally happens

For the sake of my argument

For this is what I say

For this reason, indeed, it is

For we all know

Fortunately for us

Fortunately I am not obliged

From one point of view we are

From the circumstances already explained

From the standpoint of

From this statement you will perceive


Generally speaking

God be praised

Grant this true

Granting all this


Had I time for all that might be said

Had my limits allowed it

Happily for us

Hardly less marvelous

Hardly will anyone venture to say

Have I exaggerated

Have you ever noticed

Having taken a view of

Having thus described what appears to me

He is the best prophet who

He seems at times to confuse

He was an eminent instance of

He who is insensible to

Hence arises a grave mischief

Hence, as I have said

Hence it follows

Here again the testimony corroborates

Here arises the eternal question

Here comes the practical matter

Here for a moment I seem

Here, however, it may be objected

Here I am considering

Here I end my illustrations

Here I must pause for a moment

Here I only insist upon

Here I ought to stop

Here is another strange thing

Here is good hope for us

Here is no question

Here let me meet one other question

Here, then, I am brought to the consideration

Here then I take up the subject

Here then is the key

Here, then, it is natural at last

Here then, we are brought to the question

Here, then, we are involved

Here undoubtedly it is

Here we can not but pause to contemplate

Here we come into direct antagonism with

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.