Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases.

That is quite true, theoretically

That is rather a difficult question to answer

That is rather a strange request to make

That is rather awkward

That is really good of you

That is the prevailing idea

That is tragic

That is true and I think you are right

That is very amiable in you

That is very curious

That is very felicitous

That is very gracious

That is what I call intelligent criticism

That is what I meant to tell you

That is a humiliating thought

That is a most interesting idea

That is such a hideous idea

That is the most incredible part of it

That might involve you in life-long self-reproach

That must be exceedingly tiresome

That ought to make you a little lenient

That reassures me

That shows the infirmity of his judgment

That theory isn’t tenable

That was exceedingly generous

That was intended ironically

That was very thoughtful of you

That was very well reasoned

That will blast your chances, I am afraid

That will suit me excellently

That would be somewhat serious

That would be very discreditable

The agreement seems to be ideal

The idea is monstrous

The inference is obvious

The notion is rather new to me

The pleasure is certainly not all on your side

The reason is not so far to seek

The same problem has perplexed me

The sentiment is worthy of you

The simplest thing in the world

The situation is uncommonly delicate

The story seems to me incredible

The subject is extremely interesting

The tone of it was certainly hostile

The very obvious moral is this

The whole thing is an idle fancy

Then I have your permission?

Then you’re really not disinclined?

Then you merely want to ask my advice?

There are endless difficulties

There are reasons which make such a course impossible

There is a good deal of sense in that

There is a grain of truth in that, I admit

There is food for reflection in that

There is my hand on it

There is no resisting you

There is nothing I should like so much

There is one inevitable condition

There is something almost terrifying about it

There must be extenuating circumstances

They amuse me immensely

This is a most unexpected pleasure

This is charmingly new to me

This is indeed good fortune

This is really appalling

This is really not a laughing matter

Project Gutenberg
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.