With hate darkling as the swift winter hail
With music sweet as love
With sounds like breakers
With strength like steel
With the whisper of leaves in one’s ear
With words like honey melting from the comb
Wits as sharp as gimlets [gimlet = small hand tool for boring holes]
Women with tongues like polar needles
Words as fresh as spring verdure
= lush greenness of flourishing vegetation]
Words as soft as rain
Words like the gossamer film of the summer
Words sweet as honey from his lips distill’d
Words were flashing like brilliant birds through the boughs overhead
Wordsworth, thy music like a river rolls
Worthless like the conjurer’s gold
Wrangle over details like a grasping pawnbroker
Wrinkled and scored like a dried apple
Writhing with an intensity that burnt like a steady flame
Yielding like melted snow
Yonder flimsy crescent, bent like an archer’s bow above the snowy summit
You are as gloomy to-night as an undertaker out of employment
You are as hard as stone
You gave me such chill embraces
as the snow-covered heights receive from clouds
Your blood is red like wine
Your charms lay like metals in a mine
Your eyes are like fantastic moons that shiver in some stagnant lake
Your eyes as blue as violets
Your eyes they were green and gray like an April day
Your frail fancies are swallowed up,
like chance flowers flung upon the river’s current
Your hair was golden as tints of sunrise
Your heart is as dry as a reed
Your locks are like the raven
Your love shall fall about me like sweet rain
Your step’s like the rain to summer vexed farmer
Your thoughts are buzzing like a swarm of bees
Your tongue is like a scarlet snake
Your voice had a quaver in it just like the linnet [linnet = small finch]
Youth like a summer morn
A most extraordinary idea!
A thousand hopes for your success
Accept my best wishes
All that is conjecture
Allow me to congratulate you
An unfortunate comparison, don’t you think?
And even if it were so?
And how am I to thank you?
And in the end, what are you going to make of it?
And yet the explanation does not wholly satisfy me
Apparently I was wrong
Are we wandering from the point?